The far end of love

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The other side of love leaves ones heart bleeding.
A “happily ever after” without me in the picture.

A real part of love I wasn’t told of,

That sometimes, love actually means a Da Vin ci’s painting with your love and another person.

A painting so sweet to the eyes of others, but a pool of tears in yours.

Circumstances, or whatever they say,

I’ll love you a mile away if I can’t have you in my arms.

But seeing you smile in another man’s arms, that’s pain.

But I see clearly now,

Love isn’t always us together.

Sometimes, it’s seeing her happy with tears in your eyes.

Tears that ain’t joy this time, but tears of love and of wishes that will never come true.

THE PREMISE OF LOVEOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant