When a poet falls in love with you

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When a poet falls in love with you,
Your essence becomes something new,
They notice the way you move and sigh,
And capture your spirit with each try.

They see the way you rub your palms,
And how you never lose your calm.
The way you smirk after a kiss,
And how you dance, pure bliss.

They find words to describe your soul,
And turn them into something whole.
In every word and every verse,
They'll make sure your spirit never disperses.

They'll marvel at how you handle books,
Never creasing pages, taking extra looks,
And they'll capture the way you close your eyes,
When dancing in the mood, as music flies.

Every word they see in you,
Transformed into something beautiful and true,
With every verse, they bring you to life,
Their words immortalize, free from strife.

People say we die twice, it's true,
First when we breathe our last breath through,
And then when our names are said no more,
Fading away into memories of lore.

But if you fall in love with a poet,
They'll weave you into every sonnet,
Mentioning your name, again and again,
Ensuring that you live on, forever unbroken.

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