~ Season 1 ~ Chapter 29: SONIC!

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-- Recap --
The... thing snapped Aizawa's arm and the students heard it. After Shiggy soaked in enough of their fear for his twisted enjoyment, he finally sent the Nomu after them.

Midoriya ran towards Jiro and Momo, but Midoriya was too slow and the muscular bird who was right in front of the two had his hands raised above them and brought them down. Thankfully, Sonic landed a moment before the thing's attack hit, although the increased mass brought Sonic to a stop pretty quickly.

The blue-haired man chased after Kaminari as he picked up Jiro and started to jog away, but Shiggy caught up and raised his hand to Kaminari before Kaminari ducked underneath it and jumped at the villain, before turning to a human stun gun and knocking Shigaraki unconscious, although as he got a portal sucked him into it and left behind a stunned Kaminari.

-- Story --
The blur skidded to a halt next to Kaminari, unfortunately, he was too late to mock the villain and do the knocking out himself. Sonic sighed as he picked up Kaminari and said to no one in particular," When did I become a human stretcher? "

Before feeling what seemed to be a tremor and feeling a gush of wind run through his quills. He lifted his head to see a dust cloud surrounding where Midoriya and the... creature were. His eyes widened as the dust settled: Midoriya's fist was caught in the creature's grasp. Sonic was in awe at how Midoriya could keep the... bird-thing occupied, however, he quickly shook his head and ran towards one of the rides in the center, not too far from his current location. He gently placed Kaminari down and stretched before falling into a running stance.

Sonic burst off with brilliant speed towards the... muscular bird? The blur, after a greenette's scream reached it, jumped spinning into a ball and slowly descending as the ball began to pick up speed. As soon as the violently spinning ball touched the floor, as soon as it touched the ground it exploded forward.

Sonic slammed into the thing's arm, which was in a crash course with Midoriya's head. Slightly shifting its hand away from Midoriya's face. The creature didn't move except for its pupils focusing on the ball. Sonic uncurled, looking at the creature's other hand moving towards him as he changed his footing on the thing before jumping off it. Sonic looked back to see the wall of muscle standing still, this served to make Sonic's eyes widen in shock as he landed on his feet.

A dark, layered chuckle stopped the Nomu from walking towards the hedgehog before the smokey villain's voice reverberated off... seemingly everything, "Capture it." Sonic took a deep breath, he didn't fear the tone in the smokey man's voice, he didn't fear the drooling of the beast or even the way its beak somehow curved up at the part where it connected to the pitch-black skin. No, what he feared what was those eyes...

The eyes of the creature seemed sunken, almost hollow, with a piercing intensity that seemed to search desperately for... something. Its fixated gaze landed on Sonic, as its pupils dilated, creating an almost fevered glare. Sonic's quills slowly rose as he felt his body freeze.

The creature now faced him, its luminescent red scars glowing as it seemed to tower over Sonic. Sonic tried to formulate a plan, but the pupils that bore into his skull made his muscles tense as his aura stopped and faded away completely. He mentally screamed at himself to move but his legs just started to shake, his aura refused to exit his body. The creature took a step forward, the ground beneath his feet morphing, like it was snow and everyone in the immediate area skeletons' shook.

~ Aizawa's POV ~
My skull felt as if the creature was still smashing my head into the ground, my eyes hurt to keep open, and my left arm was numb, except for the warm liquid that ran in streams down it. I slowly used my feet and my right arm to push my head above the crater I was in. I wondered how I got myself into this mess.

I whispered to myself as I pushed my body to the edge of the crater, "No way my sleeping habits had become so bad I fell asleep during a miss-" What I saw froze my thoughts in place, the pain seemed to temporarily subside as I felt my jaw involuntarily clench: A familiar blue hedgehog was frozen in front of the thi- "nomu" as the ground shook, with each step. A deep reverberating voice began laughing, and this forced me to get up.

MY students were in immediate danger and I could do something about it. I stepped forward attempting to run, but my legs failed me causing my downfall. I ignored the growing warm feeling in my chest as I closed my eyes and shouted, "SONIC!" This caused the laughter to falter and the recipient to turn his head to me.

I cursed as my heart started to pound painfully against my ribs and I coughed up the warm liquid before attempting to continue my statement, but more blood just splattered onto the floor infront of me. I prayed the desperation in my voice broke him out of his trance and I gritted my teeth as the ground shook my entire being: The "nomu" was getting closer to him.

I wiped my jaw as I looked towards the boys, before attempting to stand. I heard "SMAAAAAAAAAAAAASH!" most likely from Midoriya as a sudden gust of wind pushed me onto my back. My thoughts escaped my lips "That boy's power is scary."

I looked up to see a blue ball flying away from the smoke straight up as the "nomu" jumped. Dispersing the smoke to reveal Midoriya kneeling with two bloodied, discolored arms as the mist-covered man approached his green-haired student. While the Nomu was rapidly approaching Sonic, who was almost at the top of the USJ.

Maybe, my eyes were playing tricks on me but... Sonic seemed to be glowing...

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