"It means we die you idiot" Bellamy replies.

"Bellamy?" A young girl coming down the ladder exclaims. Bellamy turns to her shock written on his face, she makes her way through the crowd to stand in front of him.

"My God, look how big you are" He says emotionally and then he wraps her in a hug. So this must be his sister Octavia. They pull away and she glances at what he is wearing with a frown.

"What the hell are you wearing, a guard's uniform?"

"I borrowed it to get on the drop ship. Someone has got to keep an eye on you" She then pulls him into another hug and they both chuckle together. Despite the circumstances I find myself smiling at the scene in front of me.

"Where's your wristband?" The blonde from earlier interrupts and Octavia turns to her with an annoyed expression clouding her features.

"Do you mind? I haven't seen my brother in a year"

The moment she says that questioning voices come from the crowd commenting on the fact that no one has a brother, sure it is a surprise that they are siblings but everyone has heard their story. And sure enough, someone is kind enough to remind us all who she is and that she spent half of her life under the floor.

The moment she hears this Octavia lunges forward towards the voice and Bellamy is quick to grab her and hold her back. "Octavia," He says struggling to keep her in place. "Octavia no" She stops trying to resist his grip and turns to him. "Let's give them something else to remember you by"

"Yeah? Like what?" She quickly replies.

"Like being the first person on the ground in a hundred years" He says to her and then turns to me and he gives me a nod. I nod back to him and turn to the lever that opens the door next to me, I put my hand on it and after a moment of hesitation pull.

The door opens and then a cloud of smoke comes up to cover our view of the outside. But then it clears and it soon becomes clear to us that we are not going to die from the sudden radiation exposure. I take a deep breath of the sweet air and look ahead.

I see the green trees I have dreamed of seeing my whole life, the light blue morning sky and the piercing glow of the sun that comes through the trees. The ground is covered in different shades of green and brown. I then feel a slight breeze blow my hair and I know we are finally back where we belong, back home.

Octavia takes a step forward down the ramp the door has created and exhales a breath of air a smile evident on her face. We all watch her as she slowly walks down towards the ground almost tentatively, once she reaches the end she stops a second. Then she jumps down to the ground and looks around. At the same time, I turn to see Bellamy looking at her with a proud smile on his face.

I then look back at Octavia and she throws her arms up and screams: "We're back, bitches!"

Everyone starts cheering and rushing past each other, I wait a second for it to calm down before I slowly walk down the ramp and set foot on earth for the first time. I smile at my surrounding and let out a laugh of relief. I put my hand over my mother's necklace and know that I have fulfilled her dream for her and that wherever she is she is watching me right now.

I follow some of the others and start to walk around and explore our surroundings. It's all so bright and colourful, it's amazing. After I have made a round walk around the dropship, I've noticed that it isn't exactly in perfect condition. I can see the damage it got during landing and there are also some flames next to it.

I make my way back to the ramp and go inside the dropship. I search around for a bit for my book. I know it's somewhere but I can't find it. Just as I am about to give up I see a small compartment with a K on it. I pry it open and find my book with some pens, I pick up my book and one pen.

Daylight |Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now