"Cabir..." I cried before he could speak.

"Nandini?" Cabir's said with a doubt.

"Manik..." I cried.

The connection got lost and it went silent. I shook the item not understanding what to do with it. A few minutes later it connected again with a shrill sound.

"Manik..." I kept crying into the mobile.

"Give me the required details before the signal cuts off." Cabir shouted from the other side.

I couldn't help. I cried more and more feeling alone and afraid of Manik's safety. "Save Manik, please."

I didn't know if Cabir was still on the other side or not but I repeated the same words. Please save, Manik. He is bleeding and I can't do anything to help him.

This is a torture to stay inside and watch him get hurt. I did nothing but hit the railings of the window in frustration.

It was connected once again and Cabir questioned me about the details and I understood that he did not hear me last time. I cried feeling like a failure. Time is running out and here I can't even let him understand the situation.

"Cabir, Code Amber, situation A16, Area HQ43." Manik yelled from outside and Cabir heard it.

"On it, Boss!" Cabir replied and the signal went off.

I a bit of relief washed me knowing that Cabir understood the situation happening here. He will bring help but I just hope it would be faster.

Manik used the fire log to hit the attackers since his gun was useless. He managed to hit many of them but he was still hurt as the knives these men had were barbaric shaped giving no chance for recovery.

I am sorry, Manik. I am sorry!

Manik's eyes dropped as he felt weak due to all the attacks on his body. Taking this as an advantage those dangerous men stabbed Manik under his chest.

"Manik!" I screamed as I felt his pain.

Should I just stay here and just watch him suffer in pain? Where the hell is Cabir? Manik fell to the ground bringing a smile on their gruesome faces.

I saw a karambit knife laying in between Manik and the steps which we sat earlier. Maybe it would help him to defend himself? But it was too far away from me, how do I send it to him? I am still locked inside the Mansion!

I tried to break the railings of the window but it was impossible and I cried for wasting time on such silly things as the attackers came closer to him. Why am I of no use?

That's when my eyes fell on the walkie talkie. I pulled the pipe next to it and it went as long as I could only imagine. I kept it out and it easily touched the tiger claw shaped knife. This pipe got stuck in holes of the knife making a strong hold on it. I threw it on Manik who successfully catched it.

My happiness was short-lived as Manik could not hold it properly as if he never held a knife before. How is it possible? Manik is a lethal man and I have also witnessed his victims with wounds.

Manik dodged the attacks on his neck and chest by putting his arms and kicking anyone coming closer to him. Manik managed to bring down 15 out of the 15 attackers despite being weak. Once he was satisfied looking around he gave up and laid there with arms and legs carelessly thrown to his sides.

That's when more attackers emerged from the dark with more knives. They are double in number from the previous attackers.

I clutched my heart in fear. Manik was lying down and I couldn't even hold him, I couldn't even wrap the jacket over him to protect from the cold night. He laid there bleeding and am here without any reason.

All of a sudden there were jeeps coming towards us with number of people in it. For a second I was afraid that they might be the enemies troop but got happy seeing Malhotra Empire symbols on them.

My happiness turned to confusion seeing the people marching out with knives from the jeeps. They were the women who were with me calling themselves as Nandini Murthy. The women who participated to marry Harshad in all the competitions. The women who got tortured who being an imposter and stealing my identity.

Manik looked at the women even in his weak form and smirked. "Soldiers, protect your princess!" He ordered them before closing his eyes for the last time.

"Yes, Boss." The women yelled together and began running towards the attackers.

They were equally fighting with the attackers which explains that they are well trained in using such weapons.

They did not look meek and funny as I saw them in the mansion. How did Manik know these women?

Some of the women guarded my door as the others fought with the attackers. Soon, I saw Cabir coming with his jeeps and chasing away all the attackers with his high defined weaponry.

The soldiers looked around the mansion and took their positions guarding every corner of the area. Once Cabir was informed that everything was clear he proceeded to bring Manik onto the stretcher as everyone bowed seeing The Boss being taken away.

The women opened the door as soon as Cabir entered the code to the mansion. Manik was brought inside the mansion and quickly took him inside his room while I stayed back in the living room with the women carefully inspecting me if I was hurt.

I was lost with everything happening around me. I held Manik's jacket tightly without giving anyone a chance to touch it.

How did these women become soldiers? Weren't they faking identity to marry Harshad? Weren't all of them pretending to be me? The women who fought with each other are together fighting against the enemies. How is this possible?

Why did they work on Manik's order? Were they his people? What else does Manik know? Why couldn't Manik fight with the daggers?

And most importantly will Manik be alright? Will he forgive me for replacing his bullets with blanks? Can I forgive myself for tonight's mishappenings?


How is the update?

Should Manik forgive Nandu for replacing the magazine?

What do you think of those women?

What will happen next?

Do you have any ideas for Manan scenes you wish to read?

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