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His burning touch, enchanting scent, and alluring voice made my heart race as if I was having an adrenaline rush. But I kept my head down, avoiding Sarawat's eyes in fear that I'd burst into tears.

I was sick, exhausted, heartbroken and emotionally drained, but I couldn't make the rest of our time together about me.

"Won't you look me in the eyes." Sarawat's gentle voice pulled at my heartstrings. He caressed my face ever so enduringly, pulling it up to face him.

But with a quivering lip I bit back the cries that attempted to slip through my mouth. "Do you know.." I started, the sobs nearly swallowed my words. "Do you know how much I wanted to see you?" Feeling weak I couldn't help but drop to my knees, keeping a tight grasping his shirt.

I could feel Sarawat's eyes on me, followed by a strained sigh. He crouched down to my level. "I feel so fucking stupid." He scoffed at himself, tapping his forehead against mine. "I worked so hard to chase you away but I fell apart the second I found out you really left me."

"I don't want to leave you." I sobbed, the truth itching in the back of my tongue.

But I have to.

"Let's go home. We can figure this out together." He pulled me up and helped me up on his horse. "You're burning up, my love."

My heart tugged upon hearing him call me 'my love' I completely forgot about my fever ridden body. I leaned against Wat and slept the whole ride back to his palace.

He didn't need to wake me up when we had reached because the familiar smell and hectic nature of the yard was enough to bring me out of my sleep. I was happy to be back, though it was only for a little while longer.

"Man, get me a doctor immediately-" I grabbed his hand, interrupting him.

"Let's get the doctor later, I just want to be with you for the rest of the evening." His eyes softened as I spoke, his lips curving into a smile.

"Alright but first thing tomorrow I call the doctor." He sighed, placing a soft kiss on my cheek. "Man, clear my schedule for the rest of the day, and bring our meals to the room but leave them outside."

I admired his face, taking in as much as I could before I'd have to let him go, and I won't look at anything else but him. He was all that mattered to me. The sand in our hourglass was to run fast, and I was frightened.


The bathroom was big enough to be a room but there was a giant tub filled the water near to the corner of the room. Steam emitted from it, indicating that they kept it hot for me.

I scooped a bit of the water and held it to my nose, the smell of roses so wonderfully scented the water. I stood upright, feeling conscious about using such a beautiful bath.

Despite the classic stone walls, the sunlight shinning in through the window was heavenly. Not to mention the beautiful chandelier that dangled over the center the room.

"Tine?" Sarawat pushed the bathroom door open, startling me even though I was fully clothed. He looked at me, displeased to see me still clothed. "Why are you not bathing." He sighed, setting the towels down on the table.

"I-I was going to." I cleared my throat, feeling the heat of embarrassment rush to my ears.

Sarawat closed the gap between us, holding me by my waist. "Take off your clothes, unless you want me to." He taunted, brushing his thumb over my chin.

𝙃𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙩 𝙤𝙛 𝘿𝙖𝙧𝙠𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙨 // ꜱᴀʀᴀᴡᴀᴛ  ✕ ᴛɪɴᴇNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ