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Tine slowly turned around, as to not seem startled. He dreaded every second that he had to look the man in the eyes, but he had to pull through. "I-I knew you'd come back for me." Tine nervously smiled, gripping the fabric of his pants.

"I see you ditched that guard dog of yours." His face was painted with a psychotic smile.

"W-well I couldn't let him get in our way, n-now could I?" The psycho's gaze made Tine feel sick to the stomach and he couldn't help but look away.

"I knew you'd like me. You're the only one who gave me a chance out of them all." He croaked as he touched the Tine's hand, making him flinch. "Now I can finally get rid of that bitch. We'll be happy together." the frightened Tine knew that the person he could be talking about was his other co worker he kidnapped.

"Where are we going?" Tine asked, assuming he'd have her hostage there.

"My house. You'd love it. It's by the creek." He snickered as he pulled Tine by the hand to the side of the path, towards the woods.

"Not so fast." The sound of a gun cocking was heard and it was Drake with his gun. Tine sighed in relief as he ripped hand out of the man's grasp and took a couple steps back.

"How could you!!" The man screamed, shaking in anger as he took a threatening step towards the scared man.

"Uh-uh." Drake pressed the gun to the man's head. "We're talking now." He got in between the view the man had on Tine. "We're gonna have a nice chat and get to know each other down at the station."

"He has her in his house by the creek." Tine notified, receiving a nod from Drake.

"Is that so? We're gonna take a walk down to your house then."


"How are you feeling?" Drake took a seat next to Tine.

"Never better, the adrenaline shock just ran out." Tine nodded back, chuckling lightly.

"I can't thank you enough for what you did Tine. I couldn't have done any of this without you." The officer took his hat off and placed it carefully on his lap as he turned to Tine.

"Of course you couldn't have." Tine joked, as he lightly punched Drake on the shoulder. "You better be buying me something real expensive." Drake let out a laugh. "And I'm talking premium steak."

"How about two premium steaks." Drake suggested which made Tine's eyes twinkle and mouth water.

"I'm gonna hold you to that." Tine took a deep breath, feeling the steak just within reach.

"General Peterson." A voice called out from behind Tine, startling him. Drake put his hat back on and saluted the man.

"I knew you would catch him. Perhaps I was too harsh on you." The man patted Drake on the shoulder, to which he bowed. "This is why you're stationed to the Duke, you'll do great things there."

"I have hopes, Lieutenant General." He said to the superior man, saluting once more as the man left.

"I'm glad you were able to get on his good side." Tine said, drawing a sigh from Drakes lips.

" That man is difficult to please." Drake replied, taking this hat off again.

"So you're going to work in the Duke's palace?" Tine brought it up, hoping to let him know that he would be there as well to avoid unwanted surprises.

"Indeed, I accepted the job earlier this month." He nodded, running a hand through his hair which fell back down on his face.

"Well then I'll be seeing you around very often then. I got a job there as well." Tine replied, hoping that Drake wouldn't catch on to what sort of job a brothel staff member could be doing at the Duke's fief.

𝙃𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙩 𝙤𝙛 𝘿𝙖𝙧𝙠𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙨 // ꜱᴀʀᴀᴡᴀᴛ  ✕ ᴛɪɴᴇWhere stories live. Discover now