(14) Revival, KEL, and a Text

Start from the beginning

She looked into his eye, her smile slowly fading as she now looked puzzled, staring off as SUNNY began looking the same way. "Are you okay?"

She snapped out of her deep thoughts and stammered a bit. "O-Oh, sorry. I was just, uh... I just had a thought." She drew her hand back to her and adjusted herself more onto the bed, holding SUNNY hands firmly.

He leaned in closer as she looked like she had something to tell him. "Well, uhm..." She cleared her throat. "You said 'We're back', meaning... what happened with... well, DEATH really did happen, right?"

SUNNY realized that even though HE knew about the ENDLESS FIELD, MARI didn't. This was her first time knowing of it at all, so she'd more than likely have a lot of questions about it. Even though he knew next to nothing about it... he felt he NEEDED to tell her what he knew. He owed her that and so much more.

MARI saw him hesitate but slowly nod to her question. "A-Alright, so it... really did happen. Okay... Wow." She was obviously in disbelief, something so obscure happening not to just her but SUNNY too. Which meant one thing...

MARI: "So... that means that you were... in my drea-"

"Whooooo boy!"

Both siblings jolted at this sudden outburst, hearing the door swing open before a familiar voice made itself known. As they both checked to see who it was, he kept walking and talking as he made his way towards them, looking at his flip phone.

KEL: "BOOM! 4 and a half minutes, new record!" He pretended to throw his phone down, doing a little victory dance in place.

SUNNY looked at the door and saw... KEL. He looked exactly like how he remembered him... for the most part. He knew that this wasn't his KEL, but other than him wearing a red tank top, grey sweater, and tying his hair up... he looked practically the same to him. Even acting like how his KEL would. This threw him off for a moment, until he realized something... he hasn't talked to OTHER SUNNY in a long time. So this will be their first time meeting I'm years... meaning he needed to see him as HIS KEL now, both for his and OTHER SUNNY'S sake.

MARI looked surprised for a second before realizing it was KEL, sighing in relief as she put her hand to her chest. "O-Oh, uh, it's just you. Sorry, we've just-" She then realized something, looking to SUNNY with a smile as she turned back to him. "Oh! KEL, you'll neve-"

KEL: "Sorry I'm a little late, MAMA wanted me to clean my room, but I couldn't wait to come here! So I threw all my dirty clothes in HERO'S closet. He probably won't mind, righ? ..."

MARI: "Uh, KEL?" She sounded quite genuinely confused, nodding her head towards SUNNY.

KEL: "Hmm? ...Oh!" He saw SUNNY siting up and looking at him, smiling widely as he rushed to the other side of his bed and sat down. "Great, you're up! Man, do I have a LOT of stuff to tell you bud, I'll tell you what. And now that you're awake I can actually-"

He stopped mid-sentence, his excitement slowly fading as he turned to SUNNY directly. "W.... Wait..." He leaned in closer, slowly holding his hand out to him as he was catching his breath. "You... You're... I-I mean, you're really..." He couldn't tell himself, but he was welling up with tears, stammering his words before looking him in the eye.

KEL: "S-SUNNY?" He turned to MARI with his tears falling down his cheeks, seeing her smile and nod, assuring him that it was him. He looked back to him and couldn't stop himself from smiling ear to ear.

SUNNY held onto KEL'S hand, squeezing it lightly as he too nodded slowly, letting him feel faint warmth of his pale hands.

SUNNY: "H-Hi, KEL..." He had a faint smile

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