i fought the law and the law won

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There is a brief mention of blood in this chapter. Nothing too gory, but its worth mentioning.


"Are you alright?!"

You opened your eyes, slowly focusing in on a white horse's snout. It breathed into your face and you gagged on its horrendous breath. What the hell are they feeding this thing? A familiar face peaks out from the horse's back, her green eyes looking down at you, panicked. "Oh, thank goodness you're alive!"

You glanced around, foggily remembering what happened. Yeah, okay, a club to the face is definitely not a great look. You supposed its probably pretty frightening to see some stranger pretzeled on the forest floor. The girl's escort, who'd saddled up right behind her, hopped off his horse and kneeled beside you, staring into your face intently. Wasn't his name like... Link? You laughed uncomfortably as he continued to stare, a bit too close for comfort. "Okay," you coughed awkwardly, waving him away and sitting up. He quickly braced your back as you did so, concerned. "That's just about enough of that." You were partially flattered by their worry, but it was unnecessary.

"But," she looked at the knight hurriedly before dismounting as well. "You're covered in blood!" She pulled out a kerchief, lightly dabbing at your forehead. Link continued watching as she dabbed up blood from your forehead, which had mostly dried up anyways. He offered no words of comfort to either of you, only observed.

"Oh, no, its alright," you said, swatting her hand away. The only thing you actually cared about was your missing sack. Definitely not getting that back. "It'll heal." The girl looked at you like you were insane and kept trying to treat whatever gash was on your forehead, until Link stopped her. She squinted at him as he took the bloodied kerchief himself and roughly swiped it over your skin.

"Hey! You're making it worse," She protested, glaring at the knight. "You'll only open... the wound..." She fell silent, looking at the sight of said wound in disbelief. Or, at least where it used to be. "Where were you bleeding from...?"

You shrugged, getting up with a stretch. "Doesn't matter anymore." The two glance at each other for a split second, both shocked beyond belief. "I said it would heal."

The two exchanged bewildered looks before turning back to you. The girl reached out to touch your forehead with hesitation, her fingers grazing the spot where the wound had been moments ago. Her eyes widened as she felt nothing but smooth, untouched skin. You pulled away from her touch, wrinkling your nose. "Who even are you?" you asked defensively, brushing off the rest of the flaking scab from your face.

"...I'm Princess Zelda Hyrule," she said, furrowing her brows at you. "I am of Hyrule's royal family." You were supposed to recognize her, you supposed, but you weren't really from here.

You gave her a dead stare. "Your... last name is 'Hyrule'?" you said with a snort. Zelda crossed her arms and glared at you. Link stood behind her, stone faced. You wondered if he spoke at all. You cleared your throat uncomfortably. "Erm, sorry, I'm not from around here."

The princess sighed with exasperation. "How did you even get like this?" You'd been wondering that yourself for awhile, actually. Its like the moment you stepped foot in this accursed kingdom everything went downhill. It was fairly easy to get used to, at least. Pain was duller and its not like you were constantly in grips with death anyways. Still, everything was hazy after your fall.

"I'm... not sure." you admitted. "It just kind of happened. I think candy was involved...?"


You raised your hands, unbothered. The princess furrowed her brows, sighing. "There must be something more to this. We should consult the archives and advisors, they may have some knowledge or insights into.... this." She gave her horse a quick pat and hopped back on it's back. You stood there dumbly as she adjusted her stirrups.

A Kindling, of Sorts (Revali x reader)Where stories live. Discover now