manners, or lack thereof

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Rito Village was a quaint town. Everyone seemed to know each other, exchanging friendly looks as they passed one another while children played tag up and down the steps. It was sweet, but you couldn't help but feel out of place. It was painfully obvious that you were a tourist.

In fact, the moment you stepped into the inn(adorably named Swallow's Roost), the innkeeper's immediate reaction was, "Oh, a tourist! Welcome."

You cringed a bit, realizing how out of place you looked. Your attire definitely didn't help either, considering she also pointed you in the direction of their local clothing shop. "You may be more comfortable during your stay here if you get something a bit warmer."

"Yes, just let me pay for a place here first..." you said, reaching for your sack.

Your sack. The one item you were supposed to bring with you. Where the hell is your sack? Panic rose in your chest as you realize you forgot it at... wherever you were before. The training range? Ugh, it didn't matter, it was probably forgotten on the cold floor, with most of your money up for grabs. You pat down your pockets frantically looking for something. You just need twenty rupees. Only twenty.

The innkeeper watched you with furrowed brows as you conveniently pulled exactly twenty green rupees out of your back pockets. You'd been wondering why sitting felt kind of uncomfortable. She cleared her throat as you messily dropped them on the counter, giving you a questioning look.

"Um, it's been a weird morning," you said, forcing a smile. "This is enough for a simple bed, yeah?" She nodded and pointed you to a bed. It felt a little more open than what would usually be comfortable, even the stables had privacy curtains. You didn't really have much to hide, but where were you supposed to(hypothetically) change? Were you to just strip out in the open? I should've gone to the stable.

Before anything, though, you need to find out how to get your stuff back. You considered asking the innkeeper, but you already felt awkward enough after that interaction. This was not a good way to begin your stay here, though with your current financial standings, this will probably be the only night you stay. All that hiking for essentially one day... embarrassing.

You got up from the bed and wandered away without another word, scaling the many stairs. You were out of breath by the time you reached the landing you'd originally arrived on, painted with the rito insignia. You figured backtracking would probably help. Maybe the range was visible from here? There was a small sign on the railing, reading "Revali's Landing" in neat script.

He has his own landing, too?

You leaned on the banister, squinting into the distance from where you came. You could just barely make out a pathway and two tall, battered banners in the distance. Those are the flags from before, right? You recalled seeing them billowing in the wind that morning. Technically you could take your chances and go now, but is it really worth the possibility of accidentally getting lost again? No, no its not. You'll ask the locals, even if it feels a little awkward.

Taking a deep breath, you straightened yourself and began your little quest to find that stupid range. Navigating down the wooden steps, you approached the rito manning the counter of some kind of shop, who was engrossed in reading a book comically small for him.

"Excuse me," you started tentatively, "do you happen to know the location of the archery training range around here?"

He glanced up momentarily, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion. "'Training range?' Hmm, don't you mean the Flight Range? Ugh, tourists, always getting the names wrong."

A Kindling, of Sorts (Revali x reader)Where stories live. Discover now