2. "This is why I left the clan."

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Crashing from the run last night wasn't something planned so you hoped today would be a better day. Oh how wrong you were. You were extremely wrong in thinking that. In fact you absolutely jinxed yourself when hoping that last night.

You woke up from your sleep on Miki, your bed. Yes you named your bed. You tore yourself from Miki reluctantly and started getting ready for your day. Whatcha wanna bet your days going to be terrible because your names (Y/n)? You ran downstairs, trying your best to not trip and ruin your BeAuTiFuL face. With your school uniform on and a banana in hand, you run out of the house to catch your bus. Like the peasant you are you rest on the dirty bus waiting for the time to come where you'll have to get off the bus and slave away at School.

"Oi girlie let me have that spot!"

You open one of your eyes to peek at the villain that dared to disturb your slumber. Turns out it was a perfectly healthy not elderly man who could clearly stand up just fine. So it begs the question on why he would demand your seat.

"Um sir, you can clearly stand and I found this seat first. Can I continue sitting here please?" Obviously you tried to be polite, working at McDonald's has taught you to be polite even when you rather beat the shit out of the lady who complained about not have 12 chicken nuggets when she clearly ordered 10.

"Ugh you teenagers and your arguing, let me have the damn seat brat!"

Ok now this guys starting to sound too cliche.

Well that's a you problem so you're going to have to find a way to deal with it.


"Sir, I found the seat first and I'm not going to give it up."

"BRAT I SWEAR TO GOD! LET ME HAVE THE SEAT!" The grown man yelled as if he were having a tantrum. Honestly the 3 year old a few seats away was more well behaved then him.

"Alright can you leave the girl alone, you dolt?"


It seems someone decided to spare you from having to talk with this man for another minute. Wait a minute that voice sounds awfully familiar. You turn to look at your saviour and guess who it is? That's right your fellow McDonald's employee, Koushin.

"Yo, Koushin where ya goin'?"

"None of your business (Y/n)."

"Jeez, I guess we can't have a bonding experience."

"OI ARE YOU TWO EVEN LISTENING TO ME!" The rude man interrupted the friendship conversation you were having with Koushin, which ticked you off. Mostly because you were hell bent on being nosy and figuring out what his deal was.

"Old man, LEAVE ME ALONE, I'M NOT GIVING YOU MY DAMN SEAT!" You had enough of his bullshit and decided to just tell him to fuck off.

The man-child huffed and moved to the back of the bus leaving you and Koushin alone.


"Sooo where are you going?"

Koushin turned to look at your face directly with the most deadpan look in existence.

"I already told you. I'm not telling."

"Aw man really?"

"Yes. Besides isn't the next stop your school?"

"HUH???...how do you know that???"

"I have my ways."

Okay now instead of some hot brooding loner who you happen to work with, he sounds like a stalker who's too mysterious for comfort. You give him a judging look. He rolls his eyes at you.

Cashier Rumble (BNHAxReader)Where stories live. Discover now