1. "I don't get paid enough for this shit."

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   Today was not your day. First your manager gets on your case about your lack of taking shifts this week on account of you being in school, and now some crusty dude thinks it's a good idea to rob the store.

That's right you heard me, you're getting robbed at gun point in a McDonald's at 3 am. Why? Because the universe and me hate you.

"Ugh why do y'all always point guns at us?"

"Wtf you're supposed to be afraid!" The crusty musty dusty man yells.

"Well obviously I'm not scared, so put the gun down and take the grease filled money."

"Okay do you not get payed enough or something???"

"Yes clearly. Did you not read the chapter title?"


"Nothing just take the damn money."

You probably shouldn't have used your quirk to break the fourth wall, but it was satisfying to see his confused face. The man takes the money and runs out of the store. Leaving behind you in an apathetic state.

I'm so getting fired for this.

Most likely.

Well can't say this job was fun anyways.

But won't you have to go Job searching again?

You immediately hop over the counter. You rather beat the robber up for a measly $25.45 then face Job searching again.

Running after the man was an easy task, what was not easy was how many objects he felt the need to hop over. Now you're no slouch when it comes to running, but obstacles were always the part you hated the most about track and field. Jumping was your greatest weakness it seemed. The man turned a corner, so you did too. Then while you were turning the corner, you came across a bottle just randomly lying on the ground.

This is obviously meant for one thing.

Deus ex bottle to the rescue.

You threw the bottle as hard as you could, and luckily it hit the man right in the head. Well I mean not luckily for him, but it certainly was for you. I mean now you probably won't have to go Job searching.

You run over to the man's unconscious body and take the money back from his grubby hands.

"Ha, take that rando dude you thought it was a good idea to rob some McDonald's at 3 am!"

Now that you think about it, why was he robbing a McDonald's at 3:45 am???

Look dude I don't want to think about the reasons on why this dude robs. I just want to go home. Not think about how this socioeconomic climate means that some people have to rob McDonald's to live another day.

Jesus fine. I guess we won't think about the morality of portraying poorer people who are trying to get by as villains who are trying to commit evil. The money that was most likely dirty with shit and coke, was now in your perfectly clean hands. You walk back to the store which was completely empty except for you and your coworker who was supposed to be back by now from their hourly smoke break. The door which you left open was now closed, so you guessed that they were back.

"What happened this time, (Y/n)..." The grown ass man asked. Yes that's right your coworker was a tall intimidating man who probably should be working with the yakuza or something.

"Well some dude robbed us, but since I didn't want to leave your pretty ass behind, I decided to go after him."

"Why didn't you call for me dumbass, then you wouldn't have to be outta breathe right now."

"I don't know maybe because he was POINTING A GUN AT ME!"

"Jeez no need to get snippy."

You roll your eyes at the man your forced to work with.


"Now, now, don't write off my entire species."

He returns to the counter and you follow. Now all y'all have to do is wait for the next customer or robber. Let's hope it's an actual customer because he'll mostly likely beat the shit out of the robber and you ain't about to get partly blamed for it by your manager. Oh right his name... Kai probably? You don't know because you forget names pretty easily. I mean it's kinda sad that you forgot the name of the guy you've been working alongside for months now, but oh well. It'd be too awkward to ask him for his name now.

So ask.

I hate you.

"I forgor your name."


"Oi I can't even remember my best friends last name sometimes, cut me some slack."


"What do you mean no???"

"I mean you're going to have to guess what my name is."




"Oh then why is the money in dollars???"

Shut up and stop breaking the fourth wall (Y/n)



"Ok but like does it start with a K?"



"How the hell did you get it on the second try?"


"I should have stayed in the damn clan..."

"Huh? You say something? Why'd you get all mumbling all of a sudden??"

"Nothin' , Nothin'"


After that pleasant conversation, there was an awkward silence. Or maybe it was just awkward for you, who knows what's going on in Koushin's head.

"Sooo, you come here often?"

"Yes (Y/n) I come here often. Maybe because I work here."

If this dude weren't pretty I would wonder how he ever got a girlfriend.

Your shift, after many agonizing hours (more like two), was finally over. You could go home and watch your anime or something I don't know what you do in your free time.

The bed that you had to kiss good bye at the start of your shift is now in your sight.

"Oh I missed you so much honey."

(Y/n) is talking to a bed. Why? Who the hell knows.

You flop on the bed and close your eyes. Beginning the precious sleep you clearly need. Disregarding the fact that sleep will bring you closer to the next day where you'll have to be behind the McDonald's counter again.

Cashier Rumble (BNHAxReader)Where stories live. Discover now