~ 21 - Homecoming ~

Start from the beginning

"That is my girl." Brent said, coming up behind Carrie and kissing her cheek.

He wore a normal black suit with his hair as wild as ever. He gave me a half-hearted smile and waved.

"Wow you two look cute," I blushed, now that I'm realizing my sexuality i thought maybe that would be taken the wrong way (even though the only two people who know about my questioning is Owen & Kyle). "As couple." I added quickly.

Carrie looked at Brent and kissed him. "We are but just wait until you see Charlotte and Liam, they are definitely the it couple tonight."

"Penelope coming?" I asked. The was one of the only people at this school I liked and she possibly might stand me, we were both nerds with comics and she knew when talking wasn't needed.

She'd probably be on the same level, if not even less excited, to be here. We can share our misery together.

"She said she might come later but she won't be spending more than, her words, 30 minutes." She, Carrie, said.

Great, I guess my misery will be shared with overpriced dance food and a cigarette or two.

I took a deep breath and asked my next question. "And Owen? He's here?"

Carrie nodded. "He's right," she turned and looked around for him. "There." She said.

I looked to where her eyes were and saw him.

Owen looked, and I'm saying this in the most professional and respectful way as possible, so fucking hot.

He wore black suit pants and a white button up dress shirt and apparently had my idea to wear normal sneakers. His hair was styled but only slightly, like he'd given up halfway through.

I stared. I stared even though I knew I shouldn't. I knew there would be consequences.

Those consequences came when his icey blue eyes happen to meet mine, his filled with utter anger and pain while mine were filled with, what I could only describe as lust.

In a flash, his eyes darted to anything that wasn't me.

I looked away after a moment, feeling sick.

"You alright Elliott?" Carrie asked, noticing my expression change.

I faked a smile. "Yeah just not looking forward to this excuse to hook up."

She laughed and looked at Brent, who blushed.

Damn they really were cute together.

"Well we'll have fun, I promise." Carrie said.

I'm not so sure about that but I relented for her sake.

"So much fun." I teased.

"Exactly, now come on! Let's go to the gym where the fun is." She took both me and Brent by the arm and hauled us through the hallway to the gym.

The gym was decked out in our school colors, Red and Gold. There was a DJ at the front of the gym, a dance floor for most of the floor then on the back way the bleachers that been opened.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2023 ⏰

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