~ 13 - HANGOVER ~

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~ Owen's POV ~

My eyes opened to a hideous sight, bright light.

I immediately slammed my eyelids shut but it wasn't enough, the feeling of intense heat didn't stop from spreading throughout my body.

My head was pounding, it felt like my brain was thrashing in my skull- bumping into it repeatedly.

Fuck. I was hungover.

Pretty bad at that.

Normally I'm good at brushing them off and putting on at least a halfway convincing my head isn't killing me smile.

But last night was different for two reasons; One, I haven't drank for over four months so I wasn't in a prime position to drink my ass off...which leads me to number two, I drank a hell of a lot more last night then I usually do.

Emotions were high last night and I made some mistakes, that much was clear.

I'm hoping that none of them were friendship ruining worthy, or just plain stupid. Knowing me, the ladders probably true.

I attempted to open my eyes but that was also very unsuccessful, only managing to worsen my migraine even more.

"Fuck!" I spat, blindly searching over the nightstand next to the bed. I'm the process I nearly knock over a glass, my hand retracts and I take a quick peak at the left of me.

A glass of water and a Advil bottle.

With a heavy groan, I managed to hurl myself over and up into a sitting position facing away from the damn window. I grabbed the pill bottle and struggle to open it.

Jeez, couldn't the person who put these here open the bottle? Wait...who did put these hear?

I shrugged it off as I popped two of the blue gel tablets in my mouth. It was probably Carrie.

Feeling brave enough. I stand. I'm a little wobbly but I managed to get to the door and out in the hall fine.

It's when I reach the end of the hall and the start of the stairs where I trembled slightly.

I was 95% certain I'd fall and hurt something if I went down these stairs, severely hurting my chances of a football scholarship.

Still, I heard faint voices down there with the smell of bacon.

I readied myself for the stunt and started downwards to either my doom or bacon.

On the last step, I faltered, luckily my reflexes were able to catch myself.

Mission successful.

I hobbled over to the kitchen, where the voices were coming from.

Sitting around the table were Carrie, who was sitting in Brent's lap. Charlotte who was leaning against the counter talking to Kyle, who was cooking bacon.

And of course Peneople was there, tucked away in the corner watching everyone.

"Hello people." I said quietly, as to not upset my head even more.

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