~ 12 - Almost Kiss (Two Years Earlier) ~

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~ Owen's POV ~

When I say me and Elliott were close, I mean it. We fucking were. All three of us really-Elliott, Brent, and I- were.

We all loved each other but, even with my stupid teenage boy brain, I knew the love I had for them was different.

Brent, I saw as another brother, I had since I first met him as a small scared ten year old.

Elliott, it's always been different. Always.

At first, when I was younger, I brushed it off.

I reasoned that my fascination with everything to do with him was me finally experiencing friendship for the first time (with him being my first friend after all, I had no idea how that shit worked back then).

The seething rage I felt towards anyone, teacher or student, that tried to talk to Elliott? Oh that's nothing, he's just my friend and I'm protective.

The way every time he smiled at me, revealing those dimples of his, my heart would jump outta my chest? That doesn't mean anything! I just appreciated him!

The fact that at his 14th birthday sleepover I spent the whole night wide awake thinking about just how good he smelled..and looked.

Yeah, even my teenage brain couldn't make that straight. But I was still in denial about it all.

Until that night.

We were all 15 at the time, all sophomores who thought we ruled the world.

Which we kind of did- okay not really but in the sense of the whole school knowing and loving us? We sure as hell did. Especially with the ladies.

Brent had the southern boy next door appeal to him and was a really genuine person, something missing a lot nowadays. His fluffy brown hair and big puppy eyes helped too.

Elliott was the bad boy, expensive and perfect (on the outside looking in at least) life. His dark hair & features rounded out his whole aesthetic.

Me? Well I was a mix of both. Could be an unfiltered asshole but my temper had cooled a since 3rd grade (or I at least learned a little self-control). I could be a sweet guy if I wanted to.

But all that to say, we didn't have very many close friends other than each other.

Other than me knowing Penelope since kindergarten and only recently learning to be friends with her very sarcastic ass. And Charlotte, who had been crushing on Elliott.

Yeah, look how much that has changed.

We hung out pretty much every weekend and that one was the same. It was Brent's turn to have the party.

It was best that way.

Elliott's house, for many reasons, was a no. Sure it was beautiful but the tense energy and terrifying ass parents was more then enough to stay away.

Mine was too loud and cramped for any of that.

So Brents calm and tiny apartment was perfect for the three of us.

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