~ 21 - Homecoming ~

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~ ~ BOTH POV ~ ~

~ Elliott's POV ~

Driving is therapeutic for me, most of the time.

After getting on my fathers blue suit, somewhat styling my hair into something presentable, and stuffing my feet into the first sneakers I found.

(There's no way in hell I was going to break my feet wearing my torturous dress shoes, yeah no- I don't care about this dance that much).

I said goodbye to Koda and quickly ran off to my car before I could get any shit from my mother or father.

The actual drive to the Alder High was nice, Alder  looked breath taking in the late October evening. I enjoyed the quietness and treasured it because the quiet hum of nature was the last good thing that'll come from tonight.

I could feel it, deep in my bones, today will be a shit show.

I tried to brush those thoughts aside and focus on the decent but, as I finally made it to the parking lot, I nearly went out the exit.

The, already normally crowded parking lot as is, was a soup of honking and crammed cars.

After a MMA style parking spot fight for a semi close up spot to park (which I had lost and been forced to park in the furtherest lot of the school, and a pretty far away spot mind you) I sat in my black car for a minute.

Debating, I took the cigarette pack from my center console and stuffed it in my inner suit pocket with my keys and phone.

I stepped out of my car and bent down to my car rear mirror, examining my hair. I slicked it back in place and made sure I had none of my dinner (salad and oranges) in my teeth.

After feeling ready, well physically, I started the long ass journey to the front entrance.

There were more groups, dates, and people waiting for other people to get here once I got closer to the entrance.

I gave the ticket lady my ticket and waited near the door for Carrie to arrive, she's the only reason why I came after all.

The dance started at 7:20PM and it was 7:18PM, knowing the Anderson family they wouldn't be here for another 20 minutes at least.

I went on my phone and chilled for, you'll never guess- 20 minutes, before I heard a loud giggly sound and my name being called.


I looked up to see Carrie, her short black hair moved with every step she took.

Her dress was velvet purple and very low cut. And barely covered her, I was surprised it covered any of her.

Still, she looked beautiful and I was proud of her for being able to wear something she could never have months ago.

"You look great," She said. "That suit is so nice on you."

I smiled. "I look homeless compared to you, that dress is...something. But it looks nice on you."

She smiled. "Owen had a fit when he saw it, Eric too, but managed to convince my dad it was part of my healing process."

"You go girl I guess." I said, laughing.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2023 ⏰

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