Chapter 23

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Content warnings:
- Brief mentions of rape.
- Contribution to rape culture.

I didn't know how to respond to Natalie's text.

Vivian had passed my phone to me, allowing me to check it while she ate me out.
"Go on, Read it." her voice was muffled by the fact that her head was in between my thighs.

My hand was almost limp as I attempted to hold the phone up right and read the text.

"Can't focus?" Vivian teased.
I whined, using my one hand to shove her face closer into my crotch as I pathetically tried to read the messages without moaning as her tongue grinded against my clit.

At first, the words on the screen were blurry due to the pure amount of ecstacy that was coursing through my veins, but the words "Nathan" and "prison" stuck out like a sore thumb.
I blinked a few times as if snapping myself back to reality, gently moving Vivian's head as I sat up properly.

Vivian looked at me, confused, "What's wrong?"
"Uh..." I didn't know how to respond, still trying to comprehend the text in front of me, "Natalie needs help."
Vivian raised her eyebrow, wiping her mouth clean, "With what?"
"Nathan. Apparently he turned himself in?" I spoke slowly.

I stopped looking at the screen to look up at Vivian, who didn't seem the least bit surprised.

"You don't have to go and see her if you're not comfortable with that. He did hurt you, after all." Vivian advised, starting to get dressed.
"I know." I said, watching the woman that I so utterly adored button up her shirt, "But still, Natalie's my friend."
My words seem to go into one ear and out the other with Vivian, because she looked out of the window with a faraway look in her eyes.
"Did she say what he turned himself in for?"

I watched as she continued to cloth her pretty body before coming over to me and helping me get dressed, planting soft kisses on my legs and arms as she put my bra and underwear back on my body.

"If you really want to go that badly, I'll take you, okay?" Vivian said, kissing my forehead.
I nodded slowly, not arguing as her aura heavily dominated my own.

We got ourselves as well as the office straightened up before we got into Vivian's car, her hand on the wheel as soft music played on the radio. She seemed disinterested in the entire ordeal, but didn't want to deny my wishes of seeing Natalie.
I directed her to the precinct as she nodded, listening to me as I ranted on about the situation at hand.

"She's my friend. Kinda. I can't just leave her when she needs help. But I hate him, Vivian. I really hate him." I admitted, looking out of the window with my eyebrows furrowed.
"You have every right to hate him, my love." Vivian reassured me.
"I know." my response was soft.

I allowed the warm air conditioning to engulf my body as the radio continued to play, my lover continued to drive and the car continued to move along slowly. Vivian didn't seem to be in any kind of a rush, but ya know. We had to get there eventually.

As Vivian parked the car, I could already see Natalie a noticeable distance away, seemingly frantic and on a phone call.
Vivian eyed her suspiciously, but didn't say anything.

"I'll be back soon, okay? You can wait in the car." I turned to face Vivian, gently taking her hand and kissing it, "Thank you for the ride."
Vivian nodded, but her behavior had shifted. She seemed more alert, as if waiting for something to occur, like a dog waiting to hear the faint sound of a burglar breaking into their home.
"If anything happens, I'm right here. Okay?"
I kissed her hand again.

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