Chapter 7

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Viv is kind of a sadist.
Some tears <3

Do you know the feeling of waking up in the middle of the night, completely dehydrated and not even aware that you fell asleep in the first place?

That's when you grab the water bottle that you had placed beside you, ever so smartly, and quench your thirst by chugging it down as fast as possible.
You know, like those little critters do in the movie Rango.

That's how I felt as I woke up.
Only, I woke up comfortably in a bed softer than my childhood dog's fur and my thirst was overcome by me having to take a second to realise where I was.

Vivian's guest bedroom.

I picked up my phone and checked the time.
2AM. I had only gotten three hours of sleep before my lame basic needs woke me up. Jeez.

I sat up slowly, rubbing my eyes.
Surprisingly enough, I didn't have a headache.
The feeling of being inebriated had completely worn off.

I was just thirsty. Kinda hungry too.
I resisted the urge to rub my eyes as to not damage my lash extensions before getting up and putting on the light.

I hadn't realised that I was clothed in Vivian's flannel and a soft high waisted pyjama shorts. That's when the beside table caught my attention.

Neatly sat was an ice cold bottle of water, a bottle of apple juice, painkillers, a packet of pretzels, a slab of chocolate and a note that read "𝓕𝓸𝓻 𝔀𝓱𝓮𝓷 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝔀𝓪𝓴𝓮 𝓾𝓹".

I blinked a few times to allow myself to believe what I was seeing.
My feet felt cold against the sleek floor. Where were my socks?

I sighed before sitting back down, drinking the water and taking the painkillers just in case.
As I opened and started nibbling at the slab of chocolate, I hadn't even realised that it started raining. Hard.

I shivered, despite the fact that it wasn't cold.
More than anything, I tried to distract myself from the fact that the way that Vivian was treating me was literally perfect.
I don't think that I was ready to deal with the fact that she seemed to care for me more than my own boyfriend.

I thought about what had taken place only a few hours prior and my face flushed red.

Bath. Naked. She washed me.

I stopped myself from letting out a high pitched screech.
Instead, I grabbed a pillow and buried my face in it, hoping to somehow suffocate to death instead.

It didn't work. Shocker.

I groaned before making my way to the bathroom that was connected to the bedroom, opening up a fresh bottle of mouth wash and rinsing my mouth to get out the last remnants of shame and the aftertaste of booze.

Fucks sake.
What about my dignity? What about my integrity? The fuck.

My rambling thoughts were interrupted by a loud boom of thunder and a sudden flash of lightning.
My heart dropped as I squeaked, feeling like I was about to jump out of my own skin.

If there was anything that I hated, it was terrifying weather. Especially in such a big, unknown space.
Despite how home-y the design was, it didn't change the fact that it felt empty and lonely.
I don't know how Vivian lived here all by herself.

I walked back into the room, feeling my heart sink lower and lower with each boom of thunder.
I spotted a pair of slides placed next to the bed which I slipped my feet into, contemplating my choices.

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