06. he says baby is something wrong

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Charlie resented whoever came up with the idea of a fascinator. The sage green frilly fascinator that was sitting on her head made her want to rip out her hair.

The matching sage crop top and pencil skirt was cute, and much more comfortable than the ridiculous hat that she wore.

On the car ride to the country club, Charlie was constantly fixing it, messing up her once pristine hair.

"Charlie, stop touching it." Laurel told her.

"I can't help it. It's so annoying." Charlie tried to keep her hands in her lap, and whenever she tried to bring it to her head, Belly would glare at her from the rearview mirror.

When they finally arrived at the country club, the two girls stepped out of the car and gave Laurel their thanks.

"Girls? I just want both of you to know if you decide you hate it or if the girls are mean or even if the food is bad, you can text me. I promise I won't say I told you so." Laurel said.

"We'll be fine." Belly rolled her eyes.

"Thank you, though, Laurel." Charlie smiled.

"Humor me?" Laurel asked, "Use our code phrase and I'll be right there."

"Mom." Belly groaned. Charlie smiled at the memory of their old phrase.

"You remember it from when you were little?"

Belly and Charlie looked at each other with smiles on their faces, "Lemon ellie jelly belly." they said all together.

"Have fun girls!" Laurel smiled before driving off, leaving the two girls alone.

The girls just stood there for a second in complete silence.

"We don't know where to go, do we?" Charlie stated, turning to Belly.


"Hey!" Belly called out. Charlie followed her line of sight to Jeremiah who was shirtless, carrying a bunch of towels around. "Jeremiah!"

"Oh my god." Jeremiah smiled as he walked over to the pair. "Uh, Belly wow I didn't even recognize you." his gaze lingered on Belly, before moving to his sister.

"Aw, little Charlie is all dolled up." he teased.

"Shut up. And I am not little."

"Tell me the truth, do I look like a fool?" Belly asked.

"Uh, no you look good. You look good." Jeremiah stuttered. It was painfully obvious how in love with Belly he was. "Let me walk you guys over."

As they were walking Jeremiah seemed convinced that Belly's dress had pineapples on them. They were walking up the stairs as Jeremiah talked about these cookies that he loved.

"I never thought I'd see the day where you were wearing a fascinator." Jeremiah said to the girls.

"Trust me, neither did I." Charlie scoffed.

"Jeremiah." an old woman walked up to the trio.

"Paige." Jeremiah smiled at her.

"Where's your shirt?" she asked pointedly.

"It's always a pleasure." he said sarcastically. "This is Belly, uh, Isabel Conklin, my future wife." he gestured to Belly and then to Charlie, "And Charlotte Fisher, my darling little sister."

"They're late." Paige pointed out.

"We're so sorry. We got lost." Belly tried to explain, Charlie nodding along.

"You're both at table two." she gestured to the table and both girls cursed under their breath when they saw who was at their table.

Unfortunately, the two seats left at the table were not next to each other. There was one next to Shayla, the girl Steven was with the other night, and one next to Nicole, Conrad's ex.

Belly turned to Charlie, pleading her with her eyes. Charlie sighed, deciding to take one for the team and sat next to Nicole.

"Hi." the girls smiled as they sat down. The girls smiled at the them before going back to their conversations.

They were talking about colleges, and Charlie already felt uncomfortable.

"Hi, Charlie." Nicole said.

"Hey, Nicole." Charlie responded. She wasn't unfamiliar with Nicole. She had seen her plenty of times when Conrad was taking her to the ball last year. Nicole didn't really get to know Charlie, though. Whenever she was over she just said her hellos and hung out with Conrad.

"Wait, where are you applying?" Belly tried to join in on the conversation.

"You know, the usual. Every ivy, minus Cornell." the girl responded.

"Ithaca is so bleak." a blonde, who Charlie knew as Gigi said.

"I know right. What about you?" the same girl asked.

"Oh, Belly's only a sophomore, right? I think that's what Conrad told me." Nicole seemed to know a lot for someone who only dated Conrad for a short amount of time.

"Yeah, I'll be a junior in the fall." Belly confirmed.

"So, is this your first summer in Cousins?" someone asked.

"No, I've been coming here my entire life." Belly stated.

"Yeah, she's like family friends with the Fishers." Nicole spoke. Charlie didn't understand why she felt the need to tell them about Belly when she was right there.

"Uh, so are you Jeremiah a thing?" Gigi asked, "Or are you going to take him to the ball?"

"Oh my god, back off Geeg." Nicole laughed.

"It was a question." Gigi responded.

"They're, like basically related? You have nothing to worry about." Charlie was starting to feel uncomfortable. The girls kept talking about her brothers, forgetting that she was there.

Charlie knew how popular her brothers were. Everyone was in love with them, and talked about them constantly, and Charlie never liked it.

"Are you okay?" a voice came from behind her. Charlie swore under her breath until she realized it was Steven behind her.

He was wearing a server uniform, holding a napkin and a water pitcher in his hands.

"Steven, you scared me." Charlie put a hand on her chest to calm his rising heartbeat. Steven laughed at her face, she just looked too cute when she was startled.

"Sorry. You good though? You were spacing out."

"Yeah. Just thinking." she smiled at him. Steven smiled back and bent down to pour water in her glass.

"Milady." he bowed jokingly. Charlie giggled as he walked away, but not without noticing Shayla's gaze on her and Steven's interaction.

Luckily she was saved by Paige making an announcement. The preparations for the deb ball had barely started, and Charlie was already regretting her decision.


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