Away from the raging war between the Autobots, Maximals, and Terrorcons, Lisa, Noah, Elena, and Mirage arrived at the vent that led to the tunnels. The vent was situated on a slightly steep hill and surrounded by rocky terrain.

Noah remarked, "At least the foot soldiers took the bait," as they approached the vent. He extended a hand to help Lisa up to where he and Elena were standing.

Lisa replied with a disappointed sigh, "Yeah, but Scourge didn't. He's guarding the key." She squinted her eyes, trying to locate Scourge on the massive platform with the blasting machine.

Mirage used his servo to tug on the metal grate covering the tunnel entrance, which let out a groan, and unexpectedly broke off. "Alright. This should lead to the bottom of the transwarp control panel," Mirage informed them, tossing the broken metal aside. "Get the key, get the hell out of here."

Noah raised his eyebrows, asking Mirage, "Wait, wait, what are you gonna do?"

"I'm going to distract Scourge," Mirage revealed.

"No, you can't take on Scourge alone," Noah disagreed.

"Relax, I'm Mirage, remember?" Mirage replied.

Noah held out his fist for a fist bump, which Mirage gave him before walking away into the battle.

Lisa approached Noah, grabbing his hand and intertwined their fingers. "He's gonna be okay," she reassured him.

Noah nodded silently, nervously biting his bottom lip. Noah led Lisa into the entrance of the tunnels, with Elena by her side. Elena squeezed her hand reassuringly, keeping it there as they ventured into the dimly lit pathway. As they made their way through the tunnels, they heard the familiar sound of Mirage's engine revving above them. Suddenly, Mirage's car form sped past them, driving quickly through the area.

Noah whispered urgently, "We've got to hurry up." He looked at Lisa and Elena with a determined yet worried expression, and Lisa nodded in agreement. Noah took the lead, pulling them along behind him. The loud thudding from above signaled that the fight between Mirage and Scourge had begun, adding a sense of urgency to their escape.

Mirage was using his hologram technique to land hits on Scourge, but soon found himself slammed to the ground near a small vent that revealed the inside of the tunnels. The trio below ground jumped back as sparks flew from the metal scrap, with Noah protecting Lisa's hand with his arms. As they glanced up at the vent, they spotted Mirage peering down into it. Mirage groaned and ordered Noah to get the key before being lifted up by Scourge, held by the throat.

"Mirage!" Noah exclaimed in alarm as he watched helplessly as Mirage was captured. Then, the vent was broken in half, and Scourge's servo appeared from below. "What do we have here?" Scourge taunted menacingly, grabbing Noah as he yelled out and hit Scourge's servo. Lisa and Elena screamed, trying to reach for Noah as he was pulled up away from them, but they couldn't reach in time. Noah struggled against Scourge's firm hold, and quickly shouted down to the two in reassurance, "Lisa, Elena, go!" he instructed. Lisa's eyes welled up with tears; she didn't want to leave Noah behind but knew that this was what he wanted. Elena dragged her away, knowing that time was of the essence.

With tears streaming down her face, Lisa ran alongside Elena until they came to an abrupt halt, almost falling into a lava hole. They gasped at the terrifying sight before looking up at the location where they needed to input the access code. While they desperately tried to climb their way towards the transwarp key, Unicron loomed above them in Earth's atmosphere. A massive blue swirling portal opened, and capsules filled with Terrorcons rained down from it. Lisa and Elena exchanged a despairing look.

"We're too late," Elena mumbled, her voice trembling with fear.

"No, we're not. We still have to try," Lisa said, her voice filled with determination. They summoned all their upper body strength to climb, but just then, Lisa turned her head and spotted a robotic spider-like creature.

I WANNA BE DOWN, noah diazWhere stories live. Discover now