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*:・゚✧*:・゚✧(I WANNA BE DOWN) CHAPTER━━ TWOˏˋ°•*⁀➷ 恋人┊͙✧˖*°࿐

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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ 恋人┊͙✧˖*°࿐

OUTSIDE THE museum was an absolute nightmare. It resembled a war zone, with chaos unfolding all around. As Lisa, Elena, and the man desperately tried to navigate through the mayhem, a massive blue and silver robot suddenly plummeted from the sky, landing right in front of them. The sheer terror of the situation was palpable.

To their surprise, the robot spoke, nonchalantly addressing the man as if nothing out of the ordinary had occurred. "Oh, cool. You're still alive," it remarked, urging someone named Noah to run. Meanwhile, robot-like spiders began scurrying towards them, prompting Lisa to mentally note the man's name as Noah.

As they hurriedly fled, the blue and silver robot expressed its disdain for spiders, adding to the already tense atmosphere. Suddenly, a yellow giant robot started firing at them, forcing them to crouch down and crawl to evade the onslaught. Noah urged them to keep moving, while Elena muttered anxiously, hoping they wouldn't meet a tragic fate.

Just as they thought they were safe, a red and white giant robot woman appeared, encouraging them to run while she engaged the yellow giant in combat. Her intervention provided a brief respite, allowing Lisa, Elena, and Noah to get back on their feet and continue their escape.

However, their relief was short-lived as a purple giant robot swooped down from above, hurling a bomb in their path. Although Elena was initially perplexed by the object, Lisa and Noah recognized the danger it posed. Noah shouted a warning, but the explosion not only destroyed Elena's car but also sent them flying backward, causing Noah to lose hold of the key they possessed.

Amidst the chaos, the other robot giants vied for the key, but their counterparts managed to thwart their attempts. The purple robot then descended to the ground, as Lisa, Elena, and Noah regained their footing. With a disingenuous tone of reassurance, the purple robot taunted them, claiming that their ordeal would soon be over, all while clutching the key in its metallic grasp.

Afterwards, the tallest robot ruthlessly eliminated a bright yellow robot, seemingly the leader of the opposing faction, in front of Lisa, who assumed the role of their leader, the silver and blue robot, and the red and white robot. Just as the tallest robot prepared to unleash further devastation, a robotic bird swooped in, unleashing a barrage of fire across the museum lawn, forcing Lisa, Elena, and Noah to retreat from the intense heat.

Seizing the opportunity, the tallest robot, accompanied by the purple robot and the other yellow robot, made off with the key, while Lisa, Elena, and Noah approached the remaining robots, surveying the fallen comrade. In disbelief, the blue and silver robot uttered a single word, "This cannot be." The red robot, the leader of the group, expressed his sorrow at the sight of his fallen friend.

Despite their lack of familiarity with these robots, Lisa couldn't help but feel sympathy for the slain comrade. As they looked up, a robot falcon descended from the sky, landing on the ground. Strangely reminiscent of the falcon statue that had crumbled earlier, Lisa and Elena exchanged glances, sensing a connection.

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