二 Cat and Monopoly

54 2 2

C A R P E T| カーぺット

'It's a comfort carpet'
'... A what?'



this chapter contains;
Idek how to even say it
Ig swearing

"Where the fuck are you?!" The angry yelling of Blade through Y/n's phone had managed to garner Xiao's attention as he sleepily rubbed his eyes.

Fully waking up (against his will) Xiao checked the time, wondering why on earth someone would be on a phone call with an angry man at 2am.

The teal haired man opened his mouth to say something, yet quickly rethought, seeing the scene before him. He couldn't quite tell in the darkness but he managed to see the outline of Y/n and his cat, Lorelei on his bed. Lorelei was sitting on their lap licking their face while the person in question had begun muttering a string of profanities at the man on the other side of the line.

"If you're gonna fucking kick me out at the time demons climb trees then don't fucking call me at 2am you lousy ass two faced bitch." Said the irritated person on Xiao's bed, followed by an angry meow from his cat seemingly backing up said person.

"Don't call me again or I'm blocking your ass and summersaulting off my school's building." They angrily ended the call, not even giving the man a chance to respond.

"Can you believe it cat who's name I don't know of? That guy honestly! Stupid emo of a brother." Y/n cursed while stroking the cat, as she too purred in both agreement and content.

"Her name's Lorelei." Xiao finally decided to speak. " And you might want to wash your face it's got cat saliva all over." He continued making Lorelei and Y/n look at him as the fluffy white cat jumped off the bed unto his lap.

"Oh- Did you-" Y/n nervously asked to which Xiao replied, "Overhear your conversation with an angry dude at 2am? Sort of..."

"Dang..." They muttered in embarrassment as Xiao observed their dejected face. "Sorry." He apologized to which Y/n waved off muttering a 'no worries'. For the following moments the two shared no words yet a wave of tranquility washed over the silence. No, it wasn't void of awkwardness yet a sense of comfort lingered. 

With hesitance, Xiao decided to break the stillness. "Shit talking people with cats at 2am isn't exactly normal." He brought up causing the cat in question to jump off his lap back onto the bed.

"Lorelei disagrees and I bet Dan Heng does it all the time." Y/n scoffed playfully as the cat in question rubbed against their body.

"Meow!" Lorelei agreed, taking seat on the bed.

"...traitorous cat..."

"Careful, you'll end up emo like Scaramouche."

"You know him?" Xiao quirked a brow at the mention of the purpled haired man (with a short temper which is only rivaled by his own height...)

"Who doesn't? He's as emo as you will be in the near future."

"Meow." The cat agreed.

"Stop siding against me damn cat."

"Meow!" The cat clearly disagreed.

So and so thanks to Lorelei's intervention Y/n and Xiao successfully managed to accidentally be fully awake after less than 3 hours of sleep, which a normal young adult would get on a Saturday night but... who's counting right?

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