一 Kicked out

128 3 1

C A R P E T| カーぺット

'It's a comfort carpet'
'... A what?'



This chapter contains;
swear words
slight mentions of neglect

"WHAT THE FUCK are you doing?" Dan Heng deadpanned at his best friend.

It was the time gangs and hooligans step out to do misdeeds and Dan Heng decided he wanted to have a late night instant ramen. Though, he wasn't expecting to see his best friend to be sitting outside on a wooden bench shivering to death in the rain on his way home...

Dan Heng stared at the person in front of him waiting for them to speak but Y/n only blinked, staring back at the male in front.

"I see no problem in taking a shower with mother nature's piss at 10pm on a Saturday night in August." They retorted stubbornly, crossing their arms in front of their chest. Dan Heng could only sigh at the gesture.

"Got kicked out again?" He asked with a bit of symathy as he took a seat next to y/n not caring about how soaked the object was. Though, he did instantly gain frostbite on his bottom and definitely did regret his action.

"Yup." Y/n replied popping the 'p'. "Another day, another argument with my dear sweet brother..." They looked at him through lazy eyes. "Man he really is out for your blood bro-" Y/n joked sheepishly, resting their head on Dan Heng's shoulder as they embraced the bliss of having an umbrella over their head.

The male looked through furrowed brows with concern, wiping a wet strand of hair from their forehead with his unoccupied hand. They didn't have to tell him what happened, he already knew where it went.

He paused for a moment, hesitantly speaking up.

"You don't have to do that y'know? Just hear it from one ear and let it out the other." He muttered with a hint of guilt. Y/n, however took a look at his face and snorted.

"Guilt isn't a good look on you." They grinned. "Though... I don't know how Caelus feels about it." Dan Heng could practically see their teasing aura as a small smile formed on his face.

"I guess."

A moment of silence passed by before one of the two finally decided to speak up.

"Why are you out here? Don't you usually crash at Sampo's place?" Dan Heng inquired to which Y/n shook their head, causing a few droplets of water from their hair splashing the black haired man's face.

"He's out of town for the night. Visiting some of Sando's relatives I heard." They replied, staring at the empty streets. Dan Heng thought for a moment before speaking once more.

"How about my place?" He offered, causing y/n's eyes to light up. "Though- you might have to crash with Xiao tonight. Caelus is over, I'm just out to buy us snacks." He added as he scratched the nape of his neck apologetically.

Y/n raised a brow, opening their mouth to tease him yet quickly deciding against the idea.

"I've never actually been to your place. And we've been friends for 7 years..." Y/n exclaimed before giving him a suspicious look.

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