"What do you think those are, Halburg?" he asked her bluntly.

Lara took a breath. "I don't know."

"Your best guess Lara."

"Okay. I think they are vaccines that Claira lied about having, Nathan."

"That's what I think. I think we should use them."

"What? No! Hell no, Nathan. Not until I study some of this."

"Lara, we don't have time for an in-depth study."

"Yes, we do. We have to Nathan. What you're suggesting is suicide."

"That is a little difficult for me to agree with after what happened to Mark, Sherri and Bretta, Lara."

"Fine. If you want to join them. Nathan I am sorry about your friends. You have no idea how bad I feel. But that's no reason to put yourself in harm's way. We are protected for now, just give me one night. If I find that they are vaccines and safe for adult inoculation, we will do it immediately."

"One night, Lara." His expression was hard as obsidian.

She watched as he and Len went outside on the veranda where they both lit a cigarette and stood talking. She wished she was a bug on the wall out there. Buck joined her and asked if she needed anything, or if she was hungry. She thanked him but said she would pass not having much of an appetite.

"That's fine. I wish we might have met under better circumstances. I'm Buck Buchanan. I was the head ranger here at the park."

Lara smiled. Such a big sweet teddy bear, she thought. "Actually, Buck, I could use some hot, very strong coffee."

His reaction was priceless. A huge smile broke the sun toughened skin around his eyes and mouth. "Give me fifteen minutes Miss. Halburg and I'll bring it right over."

"Thanks Buck." Lara sat back down and got to work. She had a lot to do and only one night to produce facts, before Nate went all AWOL on her. She hoped Len would talk sense into him.

When Nate returned, Buck brought him a coffee as well. "I'm going to help you Lara," he said lightly.

"Where did Len go?" she asked.

"He's been staying up at the Cedar Tree Tower. It's a high elevation pueblo settlement and he watches the road from up there."

"Ah, I see." But she had a feeling there was more to it than that. Len was a solitary creature, she had learned. Plus, if he became sick, perhaps he didn't want to put the others at risk. She handed Nathan a stack of papers and they went to work. They worked in silence for a while, sipping their black coffee, until Nate about choked. He swallowed hard and pointed to his paperwork.

"Lara, listen to this," he squeaked out, "I think I found the reason the NBC lost connection with Dr. Lottridge. Listen to this. It's a newspaper clipping. Deadly Virus. The discovery of a life-threatening virus in Africa in 2010 by renowned British research biologist for infectious diseases, Dr. Claira Lottridge has been confirmed. Experts with the World Health Organization are working to confirm the creation of a vaccine. Although it has not been approved in the United States by the FDA, experts agree that it is something they are looking at for future study. The vaccine is still in the early stages but seems to be working well in patients who have not been exposed to the disease. Then, behind it is this article. An interview with Dr. Elizabeth Lott, in the New England Journal for Science. Dr. Elizabeth Lott has been hired by the Institute of Science and Disease Control to test a new vaccine in the fight against a virus which first appeared in Africa in 2010. The virus, which was suspected to have come from bats, is a type of hanta-virus, similar to the virus carried here in the United States in mice, squirrels and other rodents. Dr. Lott will be holding several blind studies in laboratory rats and if successful, will be applying for FDA approval and patent. Lara, I think this Dr. Lott is Claira. It looks like she changed her name and completely restructured information of the disease when she entered the United States."

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