[24] Gather The Lillies

Start from the beginning

She handed him her cup. It was untouched. Len looked at her with unease. "Haven?"

She stood up shakily and he grabbed her arm to steady her.

"I can't eat that," she confided huskily. "It's just the smell is nauseating."

Len smiled with relief. "That's fine. Come on. Let me take you up to the bunkhouse. I will find something else for you and then you can lay down for a bit. Just don't let Buck know that his soup smelled like poop,"

She smiled wanly and held on to his arm as he helped her down the rock steps to the road.

He looked at Verbena with a nod and asked her and Bretta to go with them.

Donelle stood up as Len slipped his arm around Havens waist but he waved her back. "Everything is fine, she's just worn out. No baby yet," he assured. "I'll be back in a bit once we settle her."

"Are you sure?" Donelle persisted, already heading their way.

"Yes Donie, nothing to worry about, trust me I'd let you know because I'm no mid-wife."

"Okay, just give me a shout if you need me," she hollered.

"We will, thanks!" Bretta called back.

Len, Verbena and Bretta got Haven to the bunkhouse, sat her on the sofa while Verbena and Len concocted something not so heavy for her to eat and she and Bretta talked. After a few minutes, Len brought over a cup of herbal tea and told her sip on it and Verbena brought her a plate with cheese and crackers. He made sure she had eaten all she could and drank the tea and he asked Bretta if she could help her to bed.

When Bretta helped her hobble back to their room, Len and Verbena cleaned up.

"Len, do you think Seth will make it here?"

"I hope so. Stress isn't good for pregnancy."

"Mm. I know. I still can't believe he did that."

"Listen Verbena. Haven has worked for you a long time. I want to know who the father of her baby is."

"Um, you know I can't talk about that Len, dammit."

"We have a right to know Verbie. Even Seth has a right to know."

"Well, she wasn't required to inform the pregnancy center, so why should we have any more of a right than them? I mean it doesn't matter Len, does it?"

"No, it doesn't, but she lied to Seth about her background and I don't think that's fair to the boy. Everyone is all riled up about him going to look for his mom and bending over backwards for Haven. Don't get me wrong, I love the girl too but right is right."

"Well, for now it doesn't matter anyway," Verbena said with a huff. "I will talk to her, if, he makes it back. Until then leave it alone."

Len shrugged. "Fine. I was just saying."

"Fine, Uncle. You can go now. Tell Hollis I'm going to bed, I'm tired and I want to stay close by if Haven needs me."

Len rolled his eyes, after Verbena turned around but he took his leave and headed back over to the others, gave Hollis her message and let Donelle know Haven was doing fine. He and Buck took to cleaning up and Len mentioned that they should all go on back to the bunkhouse and get some rest.

BLOODLINE The Last Sanctuary | A Novel | By @WendyyWolfeWhere stories live. Discover now