[18] You Have Asked Well

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Len stepped over to face Haven. She seemed to shrink from his piercing gaze, but he was not deterred.

His voice was gentle and melodic as he spoke.

"The child you carry will walk with the voice of the Medicine Woman to the coming generation. The mystery of death will not live in her. Nor will she desire to kill, for fear will not hold her hand. The Heron's rage will end with her, and she shall speak great truths because the Medicine Woman will be her teacher."

Len nodded and went silent, his visions ending.


Haven sought refuge in Seth's arms.

Len patted her head as if she were a child and looked at Lara whose eyes were like big blue saucers. "Trust me," he said, "I understand."

Lara gave him a cautious smile and looked at Nate for recommendation. Nathan took over the room, speaking as if what had just happened was an everyday occurrence. "So, for the few of you who don't know Len very well, I wouldn't be too worried by his speech, it should just give us all something to think about. Right now, I want us all to get on the same page about the situation we're facing because conditions are only going to deteriorate. It is going to be difficult from here on to get information and we really are going to have to stick together if we want to survive. While I was with Lara, I learned that MCHVc, is a bio-toxin. The virus is just the delivery system for the toxin. Victims fall ill from the virus but it is after the death of its victim where it gets complicated. This unknown toxin linked into the virus seems to take over the brain causing zombie-like behavior and the desire to rage kill and even eat those who they attack. That's the best way I can describe it.

The death rate of this engineered  compound is one hundred percent. The only thing not known is how it started or where it really came from, but from here on out you have to keep your head on a swivel. These wandering sick can be anywhere at any time. These are the facts."

Mark stood up then. "Also, from what we saw at the airport, if you are bitten, you 100 percent become one of these sick bastards. This shit is designed to spread."

Nathan nodded. "That's why tomorrow, I want to go over a protocol for protecting ourselves from these monsters. In the basement, I have medical supplies and enough food to last about three weeks.  Every night, we always need two people on watch, so tonight Lara and I will start while everyone else gets some sleep. We've been lucky, so let's try to keep it that way." Nathan ended with a wave and Donelle started ushering people off to find where they wanted to bed down.

Nathan went and sat down at the table with Lara. Deag hustled Rois off to Donelle's room where they would sleep, and with an already sleeping Neala on his shoulder told Nathan to come get him when he was ready to switch off, that he and Len would take the next watch.

"Thanks Bro," Nathan said, and he stood up to hug his brother. "I'm so sorry about Miranda, Deag. I'm sorry I wasn't there when you needed me."

Deag shook his head. "It wasn't your fault," he whispered roughly and unable to say more he headed back to get Rois and Neala situated.

Nate sat back down, and Lara was fighting back her emotions. He placed his hand over her trembling one. "Don't go there. I don't want to sound harsh, but it wasn't your fault. You had no idea. Miranda was headstrong and immature and Deag was well aware of that. None of us could have done anything even if we had been there, short of tying her up," Nate confided to her.

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