[14] Two 50 Caliber Reasons

Start from the beginning

At that point several Stonehenge military cargo trucks rolled in for a unit exchange and Deag stared in horror at the tall surplus beds stacked with the covered bodies of the dead. His hand went instinctively to the bandana covering his mouth and nose as he began to back away. The men hanging off the sides of the trucks jumped down and were let into the facility while others ran out and took their places. They were decked out in full biological coverall's and helmets. The stark reality of the situation was becoming crystal clear in his mind and he turned to run, to get as far away as possible when he heard a feminine shout behind him.

"Hey YOU!"

He looked back and saw a woman soldier at the fence. Her expression was partially hidden by her mask. "If I wanted to learn more about a subject," she yelled over the drone of military engines, "I'd go to college!"

At first Deag thought she was being exceptionally rude, and he took off running reaching the incline of the hill full on and back up to where Len waited behind the wheel. He jumped in the truck and hollered at Len to get the hell out of there.

Len shoved it in drive and peeled out turning a fishtail on the road and headed back the direction they had come. Moments later, Deag was jerking the bandana from his mouth.

"Go to the college!" he panted hoarsely. "They're at the college!"

Len floored it telling Deag to give him directions and they sped out of the area. The college, Utah State Community, was nestled on the outskirts of Moab on a dead-end street with a backdrop of colorful sandstone plateau's and weathered natural arches. It was a mountainous region, away from the public, a perfect place for a quarantine, and as they reached the campus Deag knew he would find his family here. The parking lot was crammed with civilian and government vehicles alike and Len came to a stop near the glass entrance. Deag jumped out and ran to the doors but found them locked. He beat on the door, yelling for attention when he heard a voice. Above his head to the left was an intercom speaker and he was told to state his name and produce identification. He also noticed the camera system right above that and he struggled with his wallet jerking his license out and holding it up for view by whom ever was addressing him. He knew they were watching as well.

Moments that seemed like hours went by and he was finally asked who he was looking for.

He yelled the names of his wife and kids but was met with silence. His heart beat a wild crescendo in his chest as fear that they wouldn't even be here either took him places he didn't want to go.

Eventually, a new voice interrupted his wild anxiety. A woman. She stated that her name was Dr. Claira Lottridge. Her voice was calm and somehow soothing as she informed him, he wouldn't be able to access the facility because he may have been exposed at any point of being outside but that she would come down to the front and speak with him momentarily.

"Can you just tell me if my family is here lady!" He yelled frantically.

For answer he was told to wait. As he stood there feeling like he would hyperventilate any moment, a figure dressed in white lab clothing and breathing mask emerged from the shadows of the building and came forward to stand at the glass entryway.

She looked at him for a long time before she spoke and Deag noticed immediately she was of foreign descent. She sounded European.

"Mr. O'Connor is it?" she asked.

"Yes, yes, yes." Deag answered impatiently. "Please, can you just tell me if my family is here? That's all I care about," he reiterated holding his arms out to his sides in frustration.

"Yes, I understand." Her heavy accent rolled off her tongue like honey but Deag really wasn't impressed. "You must understand sir; it is very dangerous for your family out there. You don't have protective clothing and this disease has no antidote yet, no vaccine. I am working with the CDC and world health ministry, but your family should stay here."

BLOODLINE The Last Sanctuary | A Novel | By @WendyyWolfeWhere stories live. Discover now