[8] Not Your Mother's Fairy Tale

Start from the beginning

"For now, Mr. O'Connor, I'll be asking the questions. That, is why you've been brought here. If you cooperate sufficiently, I will get you back where you belong. If not, it's anyone's guess," she shrugged indifferently.

"Who are you people," Nate demanded again. "This is not only ridiculous it's highly unusual, even for me, and you ought to know my family will be looking for me."

"We're not concerned about that at the moment, Mr. O'Connor. But with the state of things out there right now I bet your family has a lot more to worry about than you."

"You gotta be kidding me," Nate rolled his eyes. He looked upward in exasperation. In truth, he knew exactly why he was here. He also knew there wasn't time to play dumb if he in the least bit hoped to convince her to her satisfaction.

"Look, I'm willing," he grunted fuzzily. "I'll answer all your damn questions if I can," he assured her hoping to glean sympathy from her choleric personality.

"Very good then. I'm Agent Lara Halburg." She interrupted him. "And that was Agent Ramiro. Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Weapons Unit. Does that surprise you?"

"No, it doesn't," Nathan informed her. "And now I'm positively sure what you just said is true. You aren't concerned, but I do have people who are going to need me right now, so you have my full cooperation, just get on with it so I can get the hell out of here, and soon."

Their eyes locked, hers that icy blue, and his mossy green direct stare. He knew she was gauging his words, wondering if she could trust him. In answer he held his cuffed arms out toward her and lifted his brows in question. He could tell she took it more like sarcasm, but she clicked the ring of keys off her side, unlocked the cuffs and hooked them to her belt.

"I can put them right back on if I need to Mr. O'Connor, so don't try anything funny," she warned him in a matter of fact tone.

"I'd hate for you to have to do that," he answered impatiently. "And just call me Nathan, okay? Considering the situation, all the 'Mr.' stuff, seems just a little formal."

"Excellent, Nathan," she over-emphasized as she turned and walked out. "Follow me then."

Nathan got up and followed, trying to make his legs work right, out into the large area where Agent Ramiro, was seated at a computer and down a hall to an office.

She sat down at a desk and he sat in a chair across from her. She had conveniently changed clothes since they had arrived, apparently, because she was now donned in dark blue khakis, a maroon blouse with a military bullet-proof vest that just barely hid the fact she was carrying. She saw him eye the 9mm on her hip, but just smiled that same red lipped smile she had adorned him with earlier, which seemed to say she knew she was attractive, but it didn't stop her from being serious, which at present moment, she was. She placed her elbows on the desk and clasped her hands together in front of her. A half drank cup of coffee sat there getting cold.

"Let me start by saying, you're here because I think you have information we need, having to do with what is now classified as global pandemic MCHVc IV."

Nathan took on his best poker face and said nothing, simply waiting for her to continue.

"Does any of that sound remotely familiar to you?" She asked surreptitiously.

"It might. But everyone knows we're dealing with a pandemic." He shrugged noncommittally.

She nodded slowly and they had a brief staredown after which she cleared her throat and went on. "Fine. But is everyone aware that this pandemic is turning its dead into zombies?"

He watched her, as she watched his face drain of color to a pasty, pale, nauseated expression. He thought about what he had seen on television at the office. God, this couldn't be happening.

BLOODLINE The Last Sanctuary | A Novel | By @WendyyWolfeWhere stories live. Discover now