"I'll be the shoutest cheering for you!" I gave him a nudge to go and he left after kissing my forehead.

His whole demeanour changes as he reached a dark blue car. All the cars were standing a row and people were screaming for their fav ones.

And me for my brother to win.

"GRAYSON KICK THEIR ASSES!" I shouted and some girls gave me a weird look.

Huh! Suck it bishes!

Gray turned to me and chuckled before his face turned stoic again.

A girl came forward the cars and hoist the flag with 3-2-1 and there they go!

I swear I had goosebumps on all my body feeling Adrealine rushed into me. I am almost shouting and jumping for him to win.

A car toppled to the side and I prayed to God to let Grayson be safe. The way Grayson is driving with all that swirling and everything, I know he will win.

A red car was beside his giving head to head competition and it almost side kicked Gray's car.

I bit my lip nervously as they were already on the finish line.

"SPEED UP! GRAY!! YOU HAVE TO WIN!!" I shouted again when I felt someone smacking my ass. I jumped looking at the back to see a boy a little older then me with green eyes smirking at me.

Okay he is handsome! I will give him that.

But not interested dude! I showed him my wrist with red bandana and he raised his hands muttering 'sorry' before smiling and stood next to me.

"First time, huh?" He asked and I didn't reply looking at the front towards the race.

"C'mon I won't bite. I just can't control whenever I see an ass" And I just looked at him flabbergasted.

"By the way, I'm Denver. My friend is in the race" He keeps on talking meanwhile me still avoiding him.

"Fine Sorry for smacking your ass! But it's not my fault.. You ass looks good" A red tint covered my cheeks in embarrassment.

"C'mon Girl! Fuck. Are you mute?Am sorry.. I don't know sign language" He panicked and I look at him like he's crazy.

"I'm not mute and dont wanna talk" I spoke already fed up with him. His eyes shine like he got a candy.

"You can speak, huh? I know you must be awestruck looking at my hotness" He smirked and before his hand reached my ass again I grabbed his hand pushing him away.

"Listen here, my brother is here. If he sees you, he will kill you definitely" I sickly smiled while telling him.

He shrugged, "My friend is here too and he can definitely beat the ass of your so called brother" He smirked slyly.

"Don't talk to me and let me focus, and If you dare to touch my ass one more time, I will make sure to slit your throat and my brother will very happily deal with your body" I stated now irritatingly.

the fuck is his problem!

And by the silence, I think he left.

Huh! Scared him..

I focused back on the race, and they almost reaching the finish line!

"C'MON GRAY!! FUCKING BEAT THEIR ASS!!" I shouted on the top of my lungs and others were also screaming their lungs out.

And there it is!!!

Grayson's Car reached the finish line making me do a little dance in my head. Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!

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