The Truth... Untold

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After a while, they arrived at Y/N's and BF/N's house and Loona helped Y/N inside as BF/N opened the door.

Loona: Here you go, N/N. *helps Y/N onto couch*

Y/N: Thanks.

BF/N: Alright, I'm gonna try to reattach the gun wound. It's gonna hurt like Hell.

Y/N: Just get it over with.

As BF/N got to work, Loona looked around for a while.

Loona: So, is it just you two here?

Y/N: Yep. I, ow, was able to inherit the place. BF/N here is the, ow, one that takes care of the bills and his job while I... hold down the fort. Ow!

BF/N: All he does is sit around and do his thing.

Loona: Yet another thing we have in common.

Y/N: Oh, yeah? Why do you say that? Ow!

Loona: In my job, I'm not just an assassin. I'm... a receptionist. I take calls from other clients and they give me the details on who they want dead.

Y/N: Seriously? Sounds pretty boring.

Loona: Yeah. It is. And the worst part is that I always get blamed for everything! Moxxie is one of my co-workers, but I like to call him fatty because he always insults me and scolds me for not doing my goddamn job right! Sometimes, I just want to... grab him by the neck and just... choke him until he can't breathe!

Y/N: ...

Loona: *sighs* I'm sorry. I'm just so tired of not being able to do my own thing whilst working.

Y/N: Yeah, that's why I don't get a job. I won't be able to do my thing in peace without people staring at me and telling me what to do. No thanks. I do not like taking orders from dick-sucking kumquats. I'm my own free man.

Loona: Lucky you.

Y/N: I'm sorry, Loona. Ow!

BF/N: Hold still! I'm almost done.

Y/N: *eye roll* Look, Loona, I'm sorry that this is aren't going your way, but... What if it... doesn't have to be that way, anymore?

Loona: What do you mean?

Y/N: What I mean is that you don't have to suffer, anymore. At least not alone. I wanna be there for you. I mean, what good is a friend if he or she can't do something for the one they care about? You're my friend, Loona. And I care about you. And I'm not saying this so that I can get under your skin or anything. I... I wanna help you.

Loona: ... *smiles* Heh. For some reason, I believe you.

Y/N: I speak the truth from my heart and soul, Loona.

Loona: Yeah... Listen, N/N, I gotta know something. Is there anything you like?

Y/N: Oh, geez. Straight to the point, huh? Well, there's a lot that I like. But, if I have to pick something, it's dogs.

Loona: Really?

Y/N: Yeah. I'm a dog person, Loona. They're loyal, faithful, and they care about you.

Loona: ...

Y/N: Basically, they're a magnet to someone they care about. They're willing to do what they can to stay by their owner's side and protect them from anything. Why do you think they're called "Man's best friend"?

Loona: *thinking* No fucking way! He's a dog person? That's why I was so attracted to him. And I still am. Not to mention, it explains why I didn't want to leave him. But... He's not the one that adopted me, so why do I feel this way towards N/N? *normal* S-So, can the same thing be said about... hellhounds?

Y/N: Hellhounds? You mean, like creatures that are born in Hell?

Loona: Yeah.

Y/N: ... W-Well, I'm not sure how it's possible, but if it is, then yeah. The same can be said for hellhounds. However, if I have to venture a guess, hellhounds are like dogs, except they aren't. They're like... werewolves.

Loona: You mean, they're mindless brutes?

Y/N: I wouldn't say they're mindless. Werewolves are strong, fast, agile, etc. But, the only thing they can't fight is their hunger and lust for blood. I can't say the same for hellhounds because I don't know anything about them other than the fact that they are born in Hell.

Loona: ...

Y/N: Loona? You alright?

Loona: Yeah, I'm fine. Look, N/N, I know that you may think I'm crazy, but I think I know a few things about Hell than you think you do.

Y/N: Hold on a sec. Ow! You almost done?

BF/N: Yep. All good. Just don't move your arm much, okay?

Y/N: Sure. Anyway, Loona, if what you say is true, then please, enlighten us.

Soon, Loona began to explain to Y/N and BF/N everything about Hell. After a while...

Y/N: Wait, demons are capable of using magic?

Loona: Only a selected number of demons.

BF/N: And demons are capable of wearing human disguises?

Loona: More like camouflage as a human.

Y/N: Wow. That's a lot to take in.

Loona: I know. Look, if what you're saying is true, then maybe hellhounds aren't... like werewolves as you think. They are what you said, yes, but they do have their own will and feelings.

Y/N: You're talking as if you're one of them.

Loona: And if I am?

Y/N: I'm sorry, what?

Loona: What if I were to tell you that I was a hellhound? Would you believe me?

Y/N: ...

BF/N: ...

Y/N: U-Umm... W-Well...

Loona: ...

Y/N: *thinking* I can't tell if she's being serious about this. Hang on. Loona said that hellhounds have their own will and feelings. So, if this is how she is, then that means... *normal* Holy shit...

Loona: What?

Y/N: Loona, if what you're saying is true, then... How come you won't show us? Show us that you're a hellhound?

Loona: ... *thinking* What are you doing, Loona, girl? Come on! Tell them!

Y/N: Loona?

Loona: *thinking* Stop sitting there and tell them!

Y/N: Loona, you okay?

Loona: *thinking* Come on! COME ON!!!

BF/N: Loona!

Loona: ... B-Because... I was... only kidding. I'm not really a hellhound. I was just joking around.

Y/N: Seriously?

Loona: Yeah. Unfortunately...

BF/N: Well, it's not funny, Loona! You- Ow!

Y/N: Stop it, BF/N!

Loona: No, he's right. It wasn't funny.

Y/N: ... Loona, you alright?

Loona: Yeah, I'm fine. But... I... I need to be alone, for a moment.

Y/N: O-Oh. Okay.

Loona then stood up and walked away.

Y/N: *thinking* I don't understand. Why do I get the feeling that she was telling the truth about her being a hellhound? I mean, honestly, if she was, it'd be awesome, so why the fuck didn't you say that to her, you fucking idiot?! Goddamnit! *normal* Loona, wait!

He got up and followed Loona outside.

BF/N: N/N! And off he goes.

He then pulled out his phone and looked at some photos that he took.

BF/N: ... I'm sorry, N/N, but Loona's not what you think she is. I swear, I'm gonna do... what I must.

The photos he took revealed to be Loona, in her hellhound state, talking to Blitzø and the others.

HELLUVA HELLHOUND: One Simple Mission (Loona x Male Human Reader)Where stories live. Discover now