Chapter 1: Is this.. love?

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It was at that moment.

When i almost fell down, and she used her quirk on me to save me from the fall.

When i saw her face.

When i finally talked to a girl..


I got into UA high.

I was in Class 1-A.

I was in the same class as the auburn-haired girl.

I felt.. somewhat happy?



(Present time)

"Deku-kun! Are you free to hang out at my house again today?" Uraraka-san waved at me as she smiled radiantly.

"Oh, Uraraka-san! Sure, i don't really have anything today. Do you want to agree on a certain timing?" But i did have something planned today. I was going to do more research on the previous users of One For All, the quirk that was handed down to me.

"Oh, alright! Then.. how about.. after school today? Then we could head there together!"

"Alright then! Let's meet up at the school gates." I looked at her joyous face. She was always by my side, would cheer me up when i'm down, and is happy to have me around, and that made me happy, too. I was so lucky to have met her.

Uraraka and i were quite close, ever since i got into UA. We would hang out together quite often and at times, would watch a movie at the cinema or her house together. I feel like it has always been like this for years.. but merely a number of months have passed.

As i sat down on my chair, waiting for the lesson to start, i admired the auburn-haired's beauty from afar. (Agh! No, what if she thinks of me as a creep?! I can't risk that!) And after that realisation, i turned away, slightly blushing and embarrassed, hoping that she hadn't noticed me staring. Why was I even staring at her..

"Alright, today all of you will be doing a 1v1 (1 versus 1). I want to see how much you've improved. And because i know that Bakugou will definitely go against Midoriya, i'm assigning who you'll be battling against instead." Aizawa-sensei said, while giving Kacchan the look.

"Tch, he's too weak anyway." The blond stared at me, giving off a 'you'll get it next time' vibe. Though i was a little scared knowing how Kacchan is when he's mad, i was curious to know who i'm up against.

"Okay, so, let's start.. Kaminari and Asui, Iida and Todoroki, Kirishima and Bakugo, Midoriya and Uraraka....(insert the rest)"

Uraraka?! I mean, it would be nice to see her up close while battling with her.. Agh- no! what am i thinking?! But.. i wouldn't want to hurt her.. what if i accidentally gave her a bad injury and she would never forgive me! What if she doesn't even want to be, even worse than my best friend, but even my friend anymore?! Izuku, calm yourself down. Why are you feeling like this? You'll be fine. It's fine. Everything's fine.

I felt a shock when someone tapped my shoulder. It was Uraraka.

"Hey Deku-kun! So we're going against each other, huh?" Uraraka smiled gleefully at me. I started fumbling over my words but got a hold of myself. "Err.. yeah. But.. do you want me to go easy on you? What if you get injured really badl-"

"No! Don't go easy on me! Doing that won't make me a stronger hero! Give me all you've got! W-well.. not all until you yourself get injured badly like the last time, haha. But well, you know what i mean."

Her laugh made my heart smile. I got distracted for a moment and there was a bit of silence between us until i noticed that i was keeping quiet. "O-oh! Yeah, aha.. well, all the best! I'll try my hardest and won't go easy on you!"

Uraraka gave me a smile and walked off to her table, probably thinking of a strategy to win against me. I, too, focused on thinking about the best tactic to win against Uraraka. After a while, we changed into our hero costumes and got ready to go to the training area.

It started off with Kacchan and Kirishima, with Kacchan winning and bragging about how easy it is. Sometimes i wonder how even i put up with him. Next was Jiro and Ojiro, with Jiro winning. After a few more turns, it was finally me and Uraraka.

I prepped myself and faced her. She looked amazing.. but i had to do this, and when i say that, i mean do it seriously.


I used float to ambush Uraraka, but she saw right through it and dodged quickly. I landed and quickly regained myself. Uraraka went to close combat with me, and i dodged her attacks as well. I saw the opportunity to attack her, and i did. She just went back, though, and when she was running towards me, i used One For All, Full Cowl, 5%! Uraraka was knocked back to a wall. It was quite a hit and i was then declared the winner. I offered her my hand to help her up. Her hand was so soft.. She said that it was a great match, and complimented me on how quickly i defeated her, saying that she might need to train herself a bit more.

I took her to Recovery Girl, and we talked for a bit. For some reason.. i really enjoyed talking to her, and wished that our conversation had lasted longer. We said our goodbyes for the moment, and she went to Recovery Girl.

As soon as i was out of sight, i realised that my heart was beating rapidly and my i felt that my face was heating up. Why was i feeling like this..?

I walked back to class and sat down, thinking about the way i've felt recently. Soon enough, i snapped out of my trance to realise Mina, Kirishima, and Hagakure at my table.

"Midoriya, are you alright? You've seem pretty off lately, what's on your mind?" Kirishima asked me with a slight smile. "What, is it a girl?"

"Ohh, do you like someone?!" Mina excitedly said it, going closer to me. "It's true, isn't it?!"

"U-uh.. like someone? A-as is.. romantically..?"

"Yes! Romantically!" The invisible girl chirped in. Kirishima looked at me with a grin. "So, do you?"

Before i could even answer, Kacchan overheard the entire thing. "Wait, Deku likes someone? Pfft, that's pathetic. Probably that annoying girl."

Panicked, i immediately responded without thinking: "U-Uraraka-san?! W-wait, it's not that way! We're just friends, nothing more.."

Kacchan smirked. "I never said who."

Mina was staring at me with her mouth agape, while Kirishima was trying not to laugh. Hagakure was the only one that said something. "So you are in love, then?!"

"But.. i don't really know how love feels like.."

Mina finally spoke up. "It's like when you feel your heart fluttering! Or your heart beating rapidly! Ooh, ooh, or you feel like it's so hot or if you're blusuing like crazy! Well, i saw those in movies."

"Oh. Well.. then.. maybe?"

Mina and Hagakure squealed and kept on asking when i would confess to her.

"Take it slowly, man. We won't force you or anything! But remember that we'll support you on your way through!" Kirishima said, smiling widely.

I smiled back at him. So.. is this.. love?


End of Chapter 1.

I'm so sorry that this was really short and that my vocabulary is awful; i ran out of ideas and i'm not really good at English. But i'll try my best to make Chapter 2 better and longer than this if possible!

Thank you so much for reading this chapter :]!


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