11 |Fucking tease|

Start from the beginning

"Emotional damage!" Samara laughs.

"That was beyond foul.." I try to cover my laughter.

"Alright fuck you too then." Laura rolls her eyes.

"Right, don't come for me bitch, till you get over that lil dude you was with, still upset about some puppy love." He crosses his arms.

"Of course you call it that. You've never even been in a real relationship." She adds.

"Alright alright, we think you two should stop." Hobie says in-between laughs.

"We? Who's we? I don't know who we is? Who's we? You speak French? Talking about some we." Samara laughs.

"Hell is hot." I chuckle.

"They always fight like siblings but they'd down anything for eachother." Samara laughs.

"Laura maybe you should be lesbian, men clearly aren't your thing girly." Nick says with a bit of sass.

"Name one girl who'd date me bro." She chuckles.

Samara slowly raises her hand.

"Ain't no way." I burst out laughing.

"What, her name in my phone is literally mommy." Samara laughs.

"No way." Hobie says.

She then shows us her phone and points out Lauras contact.

"Bro.. that's funny." I say catching my breath.

"Shimmy shimmy yay shimmy yay shimmy yahh, drank, swalalala, drank, swalalala." Samara says.

"See there you go Laura." Nick laughs.

"Mara as much as I love you.. your to much of a handful for me... You stress me out enough as it is." Laura pats Samara on the back.

"That doesn't mean we can't scissor." She smirks.

"Hell. No. You see that? Thats called a door. I'ma need you to use it, get the fuck out." Nick laughs as he points to the door.

"See, like, hot take. If it's smaller than like 3 inches it's not fuckin you and the guy just bumping pussies." Samara shrugs.

"I'm dying." Laura laughs as she holds her stomach.

"Bumping pussies is WILD." Nick says.

"Well Hobie is safe then.." I say under my breath, but clearly they all heard me.

"WHAT. Explain yourself." Nick says.

"Huh, I ain't say nothing." I try to divert the subject.

"She's not wrong." Hobie says with a big grin on his face.

"Y'all been fucking?" Samara asks.

"No. Stop asking that." I roll my eyes.

"Oh but you know how big it is huh." Nick laughs.

"Ay, I never said all that, Im just saying.. it's probably bigger than 3 inches." I shrug.

"Nasty fucks." Samara says.

"You were just singing about sucking dick. Ion wanna hear it." I shove her playfully.

"You sung to little miss "I'm horny as hell but don't want sex" dumbass." Laura frowns.

"Ay, leave me alone and my virginity alone, it's a wonderful thing to have." I say.

"So Hobie how big is it." Nick chuckles.

"Of course you'd be the one to ask that." Samara sighs.

"I'll tell Y/n." Hobie smirks before whispering in my ear.

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