72. The Worst Couple

Start from the beginning

"Just buy another GX" Cat said

"No, if i buy the GX, then the new XT will come out the next day. And then, i'll be stuck with the stupid GX, while everyone else has the cool next XT"

"Hey, if we're going to keep talking about Oreos phone, could someone please take me to a car door so i can slam my face in it?" Jade said rolling her eyes

"I have a car" he said as we both looked at him

"So do i, and it doesn't take much to run someone over" i said looking at him

"Hey i have an announcement" Sinjin said coming into the room

"Is it about the new Pear phone XT?" Tori asked standing up

"No, sit down. You guys know that game show i invited, Queries for Couples?" He asked

"What about your game show?" Andre asked

"Well, i met with the people from gamegoober.com and told them about the idea. And they want to do it"

"Okay, leave" I said rolling my eyes, i was really annoyed already

"Wait, i'm doing a rehearsal of the show tomorrow night for the guy who runs Game Goober"

"Harvey Goobenstein?" Andre asked

"Yep. And i want all you guys to come, even Robbie" he said as everyone began to talk at once

"I'll text everyone the deets." he smiled

"La, la, la, la, la" he said skipping out of the classroom, and then Tori's phone began to make a noise again.

"Okay, i can't take that phone anymore" Jade said looking at her

"Will you fix that chiz?" Rex asked as everyone began to talk at once

"ok, okay, fine i'll unplug it." she said grabbing the cord, but it was wrapped around Robbie's chair, so when she grabbed it he and Rex fell to the floor

"Oh damn"

"oh, my God. Are you okay?" she asked looking at him as he groaned


"could you plug it back in!" she asked

I was dressed in a black long sleeve crop top and a black skirt, we were at Sinjins little show.

Beck had his hand resting on my thigh, but i was still annoyed with him, so i was ignoring him.

"Hello, and welcome to Northridge." Sinjin said walking on the stage, as these three girls began to clap.

"thank you for being here at the first rehearsal of my very own game show, Queries for Couples." he said as we began to clap.

"Could you pass this down? i need to plug in my phone" Tori asked handing the cord down to cat

"Here, pass it down. Help my friend Tori plug in her phone" Cat said as they all passed it down

"Um, before we start, i'd like to introduce the wonderful man who runs gamegoober.com, Mr. Harvey Goobenstein." he said as everyone clapped and a man in the third row stood up.

"And now, it's time to play—" he said punting at us as we all didn't say anything, and we all began to look around

Cat stood up "Sinjin's game show!"

"it's called Queries for Couples" he said as she sat back down

"Wall!" he said as the wall behind him opened up.

The wall went up to reveal three pair of couples sitting in little heart shaped chairs.



"Now, let's meet our contestants. Couple number one hails from Burbank." he said when all the sudden Henry stood up

"Hey, Hey, rag top" he said going to the bag, as Sinjin stuttered

"Excuse me for a moment"

"Hey, Northridge, would you just plug it into that wall there." Toridactual said as they just blinked at her. i love them


"Okay, Mr. Goodenstein feels that a game show should have better looking contestants"

"He's not wrong" Jade and I said at the same time

"so i'm going to say goodnight to you guys. You guys, go on. Don't worry, it's nothing personal. It's just your appearances. Now, uh-" he said before dropping the mic and running over to us

"Will you guys please be my test couples?"

"But none of us are dating except Cynthia and Beck" Toritilla said she's smart sometimes.

"Will you guys do it?"

"Well, i uh-" but she was cut off when Sinjin grabbed her

"Don't blow this for me, Tori!"

Possibility • Beck OliverWhere stories live. Discover now