Part 2: gone clubbing

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The air was filled with the smell of cheap perfume and alcohol. As max pulled up outside of the club and dropped Ryan off, he hands him an earpiece. Ryan puts it in straight away before walking to the front door. Keeping his gun tucked behind his suit jacket he enters the night club. The music is so loud, Ryan's body pulses with each bass note.

He walks over to the bar and makes eye contact with the bartender.
"Just one Gin please love." He asks politely.
She gets working on his drink as he scans his surroundings looking for the boss.
Nicole comes over his earpiece.
"The boss isn't there tonight. He got called away for emergency meetings with the gang."
Ryan takes his drink and walks to a booth. A couple of security guards spot him and walk into the back.

While Ryan drinks his gin the security guards walk over.
"We're going to ask you to leave sir."
Ryan gives the security guard a confused look before going back to his drink.
"We're not going to ask another time."
Ryans eye dart to the guards hand reaching behind his back. Instinctually he reaches for his pistol and shoots the man in the collarbone. Everyone on the floor screams and starts running away.

With the music still playing Ryan takes cover behind a seating booth as the guards fire on him. He blind fires and hits one of the guards in the head. His clothes sticky with alcohol spilt over all of his suit.
"Max I need cover here." Ryan says calmly over the radio.
As the guards reload, Ryan dashes from one booth to the other and starts flanking them. More guards pouring in from the side doors. Ryan's heart beats in beat with the bass going through him.
"We're just outside. I don't know what the fuck you've done in there but can you get to the door Ryan?" Nicole shouts over the radio.
Ryan's pupils dilate before he starts making a dash for the door. He's instantly pinned down by gunfire.

Bullets land around him as he starts looking for a way out. He spots drinks left on the floor and starts shooting at them. Alcohol fills the floor leaving a burning smell in the air.
"You're going to notice a lot of smoke soon." He warns over the radio.
He points his gun at the light right above the alcohol and shoots the light out. Sparks drop from the light and land straight on the alcohol. A fire starts spreading around the club. Smoke instantly fills the club. Guards begin coughing and screaming as they burn.

In the confusion Ryan makes a dash for the main door. Spotting Max and Nicole in the car, he jumps over the door. Landing in the front passenger seat Nicole puts her foot to the floor, driving away from the burning wreck.
"Oh my fucking god Ryan." Max shouts.
Ryan corrects himself in Max's seat.
"I don't know what you're so shocked about if I'm honest."

Nicole drives back home going full speed in the car.
"Atleast this whole trip wasn't a total failure after all." Nicole says smiling as she takes off her headset.
Ryan looks at her.
"They're going to be robbing a bank soon. Most likely over a million easy. All over radio too. Insane how thick people are these days."
Nicole goes back to looking at her laptop.

As Nicole pulls the car into the garage their mum is stood right outside the door.
"So what happened?" She asks with a sharp tone in her voice.
Max walks forward.
"Let's see. We dropped off Ryan at a club and he blew the absolute fuck out of it. And killed a few people but that's besides the point."
She slaps max over the ear before walking back in.
"What's her problem?" Max says while laughing and follows her inside.

Ryan and Nicole follow the two of them back into the home. Ryan returns back into his room. He sits on his bed and places his gun on his bedside draw. Londons Skyline lights up his room as he looks out of his window. Ryan begins looking through his old draws and stumbles upon his old balaclava. Ideas begin rushing into his head as he remembers his old group. He immediately sits back on his bed holding his balaclava. His eye glance out of window before he picks up his phone.

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