Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

That afternoon, Ella was excited to get to the ranch for her riding lesson. She always loved going to Canter Cove for her riding lessons, and her lessons with Cody were great.

And Ella was happy that today she found out that she would be in the same homeroom as Kayla, with their French teacher, whom they loved. It was a shame that Ally and Josh were not in the same homeroom was they were, but at least they all had a friend who would be with them this year.

Ella had been at the ranch ever since book day this morning. Josh had a trail group to take out, so he went to book day really early to be back in time for this. His father said he would help him seeing as it was only his second time taking a group out, but he was still good at it from what Ella had heard.

Ella was so happy that Josh was now doing more at the ranch, and she wanted to do the same. She wanted to see how he was at taking a group out, but she also wanted to be there for support. And maybe, just maybe, if he made a mistake, Ella would have been there to laugh because that was the type of friend that she was.

So, maybe that was something she would ask him.

"Hey, Josh," said Ella when she found Josh in his horse's stall, Cobalt. He was a seal brown gelding, and he was beautiful. Josh was lucky to have him.

"Hi," replied Josh as he smiled at Ella.

"Still going on the trail group?"

"Yeah. Dad thinks I am actually good at it."

"That's good. I would like to see for myself."

"You can come out if you like. Dad won't mind."


"Yes. We can call it training," said Josh.

"Training for what?" asked Ella.

"You want to get a job here when you turn sixteen, don't you?"

"I have never thought about it."

"Well, it would be good if we could work together. We could both take trail groups out."

Ella thought about that, and it actually didn't sound like a bad idea. She was old enough to get a job, and maybe working at the ranch with Josh would have been fun. even though they fought sometimes, it just told them they were only meant to be friends. It didn't mean they couldn't work together, and now Ella could see herself taking out trail groups with Josh. That would have been great, and she would have been paid to spend all day with Blaze.

What could be better?

"That doesn't sound like a bad idea," said Ella after she had gone through everything in her head.

"I know," replied Josh.

"But Cody takes out trail groups. Do you really need someone else?"

"Cody also takes lessons. I will only be taking out the trail groups, and so will you. Then that will mean that Cody can take on more lessons if he wants."

"I highly doubt that. He likes taking out the trail groups."

"Well, I am sure my mum and dad will let you, anyway. Will you come today?"

Ella nodded.

"Great. I will go and ask dad, and you can get Blaze ready."

"What if he says no?"

"He won't. And if he does, you just have an excuse to take Blaze for another ride."

"Good point."

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