Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

"I thought you would want to know something about your little sister," said Cory as he made his way over to Cody in the paddock.

Cody looked up at Cory, wondering which sister he was referring to, "which one?" he asked.

"Ally," said Cory.

Cody wondered what was going on.

"What about her?" asked Cody.

"Well, at camp, she started talking to me," replied Cory.

And that was when Cody's jaw practically dropped to the ground. Ally was a little girl and she was young and shy and hated people. She didn't like social situations and she most certainly had a hard time talking to people and making friends. So, Cody was interested to know what Cory did that was so special and how he made friends with Ally.

"And when you say talking to you," said Cody, "you meant that you were the one doing all the talking?"

"No," replied Cory, "what does that mean?"

"It means she's a shy kid."


"Mmhmm, and reserved. Hates talking to people. Hates being around people and sh... you know."



"Well, she wasn't like that with me," said Cory, "and I would go as far to say we are friends."

Cody smiled, "well, you learn something new every day."

"You didn't know about this?"

"No, id dint. And I would have assumed that she wouldn't talk to you because you are an older guy. She's very reserved like that."

"Anyway," said Cory, "I thought I would tell you about it because she is actually a nice girl."

"You don't have feelings for her, do you?" Cody teased.

"None at all. She's a nice girl, and a friend."

"Good. At least she can learn that all males aren't the monster she makes us out to be. Keep talking to her."

"I will."

Cory and Cody then got back to work. It was now in the middle of the afternoon, and the work was being done well, according to Cory. Cory said that at this rate, the work would have been finished by the afternoon and everyone would have been able to have a break before the ponies arrived.

Cody was glad of that.


At the end of the day, after all of Hayley's complaints (yes, she continued complaining), the work was just about done with the paddock, and everyone was happy about it. The ponies would soon arrive, and now all everyone had to do was sit and wait. That was when Hayley stopped complaining, and everyone was glad their ears didn't have to listen to it anymore.

Cody didn't stay, though, because he said he had his family to get back to, and he needed to look after them.

Catania thought that was pretty important, so she let him go.

So, when Cody left, everyone waited outside, Cory and Scott having a well-deserved beer. After their hard day at work, they apparently needed one.

Hayley had spent most of the afternoon complaining that she actually had to do real work.

Catania told herself that at least she got some free entertainment, but she was glad the complaints stopped.

"You are going to help with the ponies," said Catania as she looked at Scott.

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