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The first thing I hear is the sound of ringing. I wonder what was making that noise but then I hear people calling my name. I slowly opened my eyes and saw my alarm clock ringing and hearing my mother shouting my name.  

"Hope, are you awake?"

"Yeah mom I'll be down in a minute."

Another school day is here I said as i slowly got out of bed and went to get dressed. As I grabbed my books and shoved them in my backpack I got a text from Ava. Before we left school the other day I asked for her phone number. She hesitated to give it to me but she still did but after that she looked happy and I told her to message me anytime. 

~Are you going to school today?

~Yes, will i see you at lunch today?

~Yes uh... Is it on the roof still?


I put my phone away in my bag and continue to go downstairs to have breakfast. I see my mother frying eggs as my father sitting next to the table with newspaper in his hand and his glasses are on. I sat next to him which caught his attention as he put his newspaper down and my mother put his plate next to him. 

"Hope how are your studies going?" My father said as he was getting ready to eat. Truth been told I have been studying less cause of the Ava incident. "Oh.. It's going well." 

My father smiled then started telling me how a great student i'll be and how I'll make a good doctor or lawyer as he wants me to. I just causally listen to his ideals It's no use saying I want to be something else considering I generally don't know what I want to be. 

"That reminds me Hope you should go job searching you will have more experience and earn more money for later in life for college or university." My mother said as she was doing the dishes then she came towards me handing me my food.

"Ok.. I'll give it a thought but I gotta get going now I don't want to be late." I waved goodbye to my parents and left right away after my mother shouted at me asking what about my food. It's hard to find a job nowadays and usually get hired if you have experience or if you know someone from the company you want to work at.

At Lunch

Ava and Tristine seem to be getting long well. even though Tristine is trying to scare Ava half the time with her fear of heights. As I was chewing my food Ava came towards me and asked "Um.. Hope a-are you doin-doing alright?" Took me a while to realise I haven't spoken a lot today at lunch. 

"Well uh.. My parents want me to get a job that way it would help me out more in life." 

"M-my Mother wants me to find a job too.. but i'm scared I will mess up.." Ava pulls up her hoodie and frowns. "Um how about we look for a job together and who knows maybe we can get hired at the same place." 

"R-really.. you would do that for me??"

"Of course what are friends for and since if you know we both get hired you wont be by yourself most of the time at least."

Ava's eyes lit up and nodded her head yes then proceeded to hug me. I looked over at Tristine as she was in her usual spot just staring at us. "Hey tristine you wanna go job searching with us?" 

It didn't take her long to respond "No I pass." Talk about being enthusiastic I didn't bother asking her why and I didn't want to force her either so I didn't say anything. "By the way Hope, we need resumes before we can even go job searching." Ava was right but I don't know how to make a proper resume even though it sounds simple and easy.  Resume is one of the important parts of trying to get a job.

"I know what we can do Hope! We can go to my place after school and make our resumes on my computer then print them out and go job searching." That's right I forgot Ava loves writing so maybe she is good at making resumes and this is the first time i see her hype about something big.

"Ok after school I'll head to your place and by the way Tristine do you want to tag along?" Tristine got up from her spot and started walking to the door leading to downstairs as she opened the door.  "I'll pass, tell me how it goes another day." then she started heading downstairs as the bell started to ring. 

That was odd but at the same time I don't know much about her to call her odd now do I. Me and Ava ran downstairs to not be late for our next period. 

To Be Continued..

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