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now playing:

by : madelyn peters

| II |

This is wrong but I can't help but feel like,
There ain't nothing more right babe,
Misty morning comes again and I can't,
Help but wish I could see your face

The cheerleaders rang in the crowd as the Ravens warmed up on the court for Lucas's first game.

"So that's the boy that beat Nathan?" Brooke asked, eyeing Lucas on the court.

Madelyn nodded, watching the blonde as well.

"He looks good from behind," Brooke commented.

"1. 2. 3. Ravens!" the team broke apart. 

It was time for the jump ball.

"Jump! Jump! Jump! Go higher! Jump! Jump! Jump!" the cheerleaders chanted.

Nathan won the jump, Tim bringing the ball up the court.

Nathan passed to Lucas, who completely missed the pass, the ball almost hitting Madelyn.

"Nice hands," she snarked at him.

"Nice legs," Lucas commented back, tilting his head as he pedaled backwards down the court.

I knew from the first note played,
I'd be breaking all my rules to see you,
You smile that beautiful smile and all the girls in the front row,
Scream your name

Lucas let his defense down and the man he was guarding drove for a layup.

"Let's go Ravens!" The girls continued to cheer, despite the clear and growing anger between Nathan and Lucas.

Lucas got the ball in the corner, but his shot bounced off the rim.

He consistantly missed his shots short the whole game.

Whitey pulled Lucas from the game.

So dim that spotlight, tell me things like,
I can't take my eyes off of you,
I'm no one special, just another wide eyed girl


Who's desperately in love with you,
Give me a photograph to hang on my wall,

Madelyn sat on a bench near the river court as she wrote in her songbook, enjoying the change in peace without her parents' yelling at home. Her quiet, however, was interrupted by a bouncing basketball. She tried to ignore it but eventually was unable to refocus.

"I guess misery really does love company," Madelyn stated, gaining Lucas's attention from her place on the bench. 

"What are you doing here?" he asked.

"I like the quiet. It gives me peace of mind. What about you?" she asked, standing from the bench and making her way over to him. 

"You know, I shoot the ball, and it goes in," he points out. "I don't ask questions, I don't think about it. It's just the way it is."

MINE | l. scottOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora