everything i wanted || 4:10

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by : madelyn peters

| II |

i had a dream,
i got everything i wanted

"Keith," Lucas grabbed him. "I mean it's you right? You're alive."

"Not exactly," Keith responded.

"What do you mean Not exactly?"

"All in good time, Luke. We don't wanna be late."

"Late for wh-" Keith pushed Lucas against the wall and out of the way.

He watched as Haley was wheeled past, Nathan following in tow.

"Haley," he called. "What happened to her?"

"You don't remember?"

"There was an accident," Lucas recalled.

"It was no accident," Keith shook his head.

"I-I was right there with Haley and Maddie. I was right there-"

Lucas's body was wheeled by next. He watched in shock.

"Oh," he tapped his chest, "My heart," he remembered.

"Your heart isn't the only one that's breaking right now," Keith said.

"Lucas!" Madelyn called rushing down the hallway with tears streaming down her face.

"Maddie," Lucas was breathing heavily.

"Come on," Keith pulled him along.

not what you think, and if i'm being honest,
it might've been a nightmare, to anyone who might care


thought i could fly,
so i stepped off the golden,
nobody cried,
nobody even noticed

"Nathan?" the doctor grabbed his attention.

Nathan turned away from Madelyn, "What's happening? How's Haley?"

"She's being prepped for surgery. She has multiple fractures of the legs, some head trauma, possible collapsed lung, broken ribs and a good deal of internal bleeding," the doctor explained.

"What about the baby?" Nate asked.

"With this kind of severe trauma..." Madelyn slipped her hand into Nathan's for comfort, "we're gonna do everything we can. But right now, our top priority is saving your wife, okay?"

"And- what about Lucas? Lucas Scott? He came in with her?" Madelyn asked.

The doctor shook his head, "I don't know. I'm sorry," he walked back into the emergency room.

i saw them standing right there,
kinda thought they might care


i had a dream,
i got everything i wanted

"Nathan. Maddie," Brooke and Peyton walked into the waiting room. "How's Haley?" she asked.

Nathan lifted his head from his hands. Still sat on the coffee table they had. Madelyn was sat with her knees to her chest in the corner of the couch behind them.

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