that's when || 2:11

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now playing:

by : madelyn peters

↺ |◁ II ▷| ♡

And you watched me go,
And I knew my words were hard to hear and harder to ever take back,

"What's up, broody," Madelyn was sat on the blonde's bed when he walked into his room.

"What the- holy crap, what are you doing here?" he asked with furrowed brows, reaching forward to pull her into a hug.

"Well some people were being dumb and needed my help," she shrugged her shoulders with a smirk, laying back onto his bed, resting up on her elbows.

"Really?" he raised her eyebrows on her.

"Yeah, so what's the deal?" Madelyn asked.


"With your heart?"

"I'm not gonna take the stupid test! I just want people to stop talking about it!" Lucas exclaimed, floping onto the bed next to her.

"Why don't you wanna take the test?" she asked turned toward him, leaning on one arm.

"Because I don't want it to change my life. I just wanna play basketball and do what I want," he stated simply, looking up at her.

"But it seems like it's already effecting your life. I mean, I know you Luke. As much as you wanna deny it. It's still taking up space up there," she tapped on his head.

"But I can still do the things I want. I don't have some doctor stopping me."

"Until one does. I mean, say you do have it and something happens to you one day. What if you actually have a heart attack, like Dan, and your whole life is changed. What are you gonna do then? What if then is tomorrow, Luke?"

"Then I'll deal with it tomorrow. I don't wanna live in fear of something that could or could not happen."

"I guess I can understand that," Madelyn laid down on her back next to him. "And just because I'm done arguing does not mean I approve of you avoiding the test," she lifted a hand up.

"Fine," he laughed, grabbing onto her hand and lowering them between them.

"So tell me about what's been going on with you since I've been gone," Madelyn turned her head to him.

"What?" he turned his head, meeting her eyeline.

"Well Brooke told me there's a girl, so what's she like?" Madelyn asked.

"There was a girl. Not anymore," Lucas said.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Madelyn squeezed his hand.

"It's okay. We're good. We just wanted different things."

"Oh, is there someone else?" Madelyn asked, slowly withdrawing her hand from his.

"Oh yeah. She's great," Lucas lifted himself onto his arm, looking down at her, "She's pretty and talented. And she has this amazing happy personality that cheers everyone up. And she can sing like an angel. An angel who happened to just get home from the City of Angels," Lucas looked into her eyes.

A smile grew on her face, replacing the worry she had once felt. But the fear came back just as quickly.

"Luke, when I left I needed time. I needed space to think about everything because you really hurt me, Lucas.

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