forever winter || 2:10

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by : madelyn peters

|   II   |  

She spends most of her nights,
Wishing it was how it used to be,

A knock sounded on Brooke's door.

"Hey," Peyton whispered.

"Hey. I was gonna call you in a while," Brooke responded from her bed.

"Um, I'm sorry to just drop by. I just need somebody to talk to."

"Stop," Brooke rubed her hand down Peyton's back.

"I was... I need you, Brooke," the blonde cried. "I just... There's so much stuff piling up and I don't think I can handle it anymore."

"Okay, well, what's going on? Talk to me," Brooke comforted. "I mean, you said you're not feeling like yourself but what's wrong?"

"Just everything, you know? Like, Karen is really counting on me at the club and I don't even have a band, you know? And I'm suspended, and that's gonna look great on my transcripts and... and I miss Jake and Jenny and Madelyn and my mom."

"Hey, it's gonna be okay."

"I used to be stronger than this, you know? I should and I don't wanna be a person that need's help but I... I feel all alone."

"You are not alone. Okay, you have me, no matter what," Brooke pulled Peyton into a hug, letting the girl rest her head on her shoulder. "Come here."

"Oh, I just glad you're not seeing Felix anymore. I missed you."

"Um... Yeah, I-"

Just then, Felix walked out of the brunette's bathroom.

"Oh, hey," he stopped drying his hair.

"Oh god, um," Peyton quick sat up, wiping her tears.

"No, no," Brooke tried to stop her.

"I'm sorry to interrupt," Peyton stood from the bed.

"No, Peyton, don't go."

"It's cool. I'll call you later."

"No, Peyton."

The door latched behind her.

She says, "it's not just a phase I'm in",
My voice comes out begging


I didn't know you were breaking down,
I'd fall to pieces on the floor if you weren't around

Peyton stood at the counter at TRIC, making the signs about her show being cancelled. The door opened again.

"Anna, I already said-" Peyton looked up angrily.

"Hey, P. Sawyer," Madelyn greeted with a smile, leaning against the door frame with her hands in the pockets of her jeans.

"Mads," Peyton breathed, shocked. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, I uh- I heard you've been having a hard time," she explained.

Peyton laughed happily, pulling her into a hug but leaning back out urgently, "But- but what about your album and LA?"

"LA isn't really all that when all your friends are across the country," Madelyn laughed sadly. "So when I got a call, I knew it was time to come back. Plus, they gave me a mic so I can finish it here, with you. I'm just sorry it took so long."

"No, no. It's okay, you're here now," Peyton hugged her again. "What do you mean, you got a call?"

"Um well, I actually got three. I got one from Karen after the formal and I got another from Brooke around that same time. I hopped on a plane today but when Luke called, I had to make a detour."

"A detour- why?" Peyton asked.

"I um- had to pick up something- or well, someone," Madelyn looked behind her, making Peyton look as well.

A man walked through the door.

"Jake," Peyton breathed happily.

"I'm gonna go now," Madelyn said, pulling away from Peyton. "I have a few more "hello"s to give out. But I wanted to give you this."

She handed Peyton a folded piece of paper.

"Forever Winter," Peyton read.

"I uh- wrote it on the way here-"

"Yeah, she wouldn't let me even look at it," Jake chimed in.

Madelyn laughed "-just read it. I think it will put some things in perspective for you." She started to back away toward the door, "And tell me what you think of it! It's gonna be my first song recorded in Tree Hill!" The door closed behind her.

Too young to know it gets better,
I'll be summer sun for you forever,
Forever winter if you go

the song : forever winter by taylor swift

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

the song : forever winter by taylor swift

so the story here is madelyn has been in la since the season one finale so this is her first time back in tree hill in a while. I am planning on writting the season one finale, Im actually planning on fully writting all the premieres and finales that Madelyn is in. so i'll write the full 1:22 episode like I did for change it just takes a really long time to do that so i've been putting it off but I'll do it at some point

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