I wish it was me

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I'm truly so happy for you

seeing you smile

seeing you with somebody who makes you laugh

it warms my heart

but god damnit...

i wanted to make you smile.

i wanted to make you laugh.

am I selfish?

am I jealous?

does it make me the "other woman"

when a part of me

still wishes I could be with you?

that I wanted so badly to be the one you'd call yours?

i wanted it so deeply

even when we didn't talk

or when we didn't call

i guess... a part of me still loves you

even when i know it's wrong

or when i know you'll never feel the same

but when somebody as beautiful as you

blessed my eyes

it's hard to forget a face

that makes me constantly wish and pray

that the fates would align

and that one day you'll love me the way i love you

130 words


ikkk its another poem but im in my feels rn and am turning into Shakespeare. also sorry for the lack of updates, ive been really busy with vacation and all that jazz. I hope youre doing well <3

if you have any suggestions please dm me or comment on here, im slowly running out of ideas loll

did you eat today?

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