Declan walked over to the door pausing a second to take a deep breathe before chaos and then unlocking the door to let his crazy friend in.

The door opened to reveal Lena who was about to kick the door using her leg. She stopped at the right time glaring at Declan. "A second longer and you would have seen me knock the door down."

"I believe you", Declan nods.

Lena stomped her way inside all the while continuing to glare at him. "Remember me? I exist, did you forget?"

"Lena I— "

"Save it!", Lena raised her hand to stop him, her voice sharper than a blade. "Obviously our friendship was more important to me than you. Clearly I overvalued your presence in my life. You didn't think about me before you decided to ghost me, right? What I meant nothing to you? Huh!"

Declan frowned weirdly feeling like he's heard a part of this rant before. His eyes shifted Josh who was staring at Lena with curious eyes.

"ANSWER ME!", Lena screamed making Declan flinch and Josh almost fall off his chair.

"Lena I— "

"Oh don't even bother!", Lena barked. "What is left to say anyway? Ugh I should have stolen Tucker from you to get your attention right? Since you've forgotten about me."

"Who would say we're best friends? Best friends don't ghost each other!", Lena ranted.

Josh's eyes narrowed down on the girl hearing that. He stood up pointing his accusing finger at her and glaring at Declan who's eyes now went wide, lips parted in surprise, and felt like he's nearing his death.

"I think it's time to take Tucker out for a walk. I'll be right back", Declan cleared his throat.

"Don't you dare avoid me now. Just because I'm small you think I cannot get my voice heard, huh? Young Lena is a pushover, you believe?", Lena glared.

"Oh I definitely don't think that", Declan gulped, watching Josh from the corner of his eyes. It was like standing in front of two sharks.

"What are you doing anyway? Why this room— ", Lena demanded looking around before he turned her head and caught Josh staring at them with displeasure.

She frowned seeing him. "Who the hell is this guy?"

"Oh uh...Lena– Josh, Josh–Lena", Declan introduced them, smiling weakly.

Both Lena and Josh scan the other one from top to bottom in a judgmental way looking like they dislike each other already. Declan wondered if he should sneak out and run for his life.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Dec's best friend", Josh added, a tight smile on his face.

Lena's eyes narrowed on him. "Pardon me?"

"You heard me banshee. I. Am. Declan's. Best. Friend", Josh grit every word.

"What did he just call me?", Lena frowned. "And who the hell is he to claim the position I already earned?"

"Uh...Tucker's probably getting restless now. I'm gonna go", Declan pointed towards the door, feeling the fear creep into his heart.

"I'll join you. Tucker's gonna love playing fetch. I brought a new toy for him", Lena smiled, momentarily forgetting she was mad at him.

"Um...I think walking is a one person job really", Declan shrugs feeling Josh's glare seep into his soul.

Lena frowned. "But Tucker loves me. I'm his most favourite person after you."

EXCUSE ME?", Josh yelled.

Declan winced inwardly. How he wished the prophecy could take place right at the moment.

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