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-At the Mystic Citadel-

The Mystic Citadel is unlike anything to ever exist on the planet. It's architecture and design is one of pure magic and authentic artwork. It is something far better from anyone's imagination.

Maybe because it is after all the pride of the Mystic World.

A world nonexistent to anyone who's not a resident of it. Humans—to sum it up. It's a place closed to the eyes of the outsiders who are not only different from it's actual inhabitants, but also not built to coexist with them.

It was long before tested and concluded that humans are the one species that can never really mix with the mystical creatures. It just wasn't something they could adapt to and live with. Everyone learnt that the hard way.

They were too different and not just genetics wise, which is an important component, but also in many other ways.

Infact the creatures of this world themselves proved to be too strong and dangerous for that timid kind of species. It was safer for the humans anyway to just not be a part of their space. For that reason they reside in a place where humans can never enter without permission.

The Mystic World is home to many creatures and living beings that are supposedly mythical and imaginative  to humans according to how they're presented in their novels for children. So it's obvious to understand why this unique world lives behind a hidden veil.

Amongst the most popular cities of this world is one such that is respected and royal to people living there as it is also the capital city of their magical world.

The citadel is the most prominent and beautiful place located in the capital city. A magical border in it's own to way. It is after all the palace where the rulers ruled over their world with their wisdom, knowledge and integrity.

The four highly respected and admired rulers of the world with prestigious titles of their own.

Rufus Remington
(Dragon lord)

Micah Santino
(Vampire King)

Sabrina Delgado
(Sorceress Queen)

Elias Scott
(Alpha Prime)

The only rulers and lawmakers known by the creatures of their world.

The inhabitants of the Mystic World either refer to them by their titles or by term 'Elder' always. It is a known tradition followed by all without any exceptions.

The elders could be mistaken for being the oldest of their world given the fact that they have been sitting on those thrones for generations now. Precisely the reason why every creature alive today has always just known them as rulers.

The four rulers themselves having spent centuries holding these titles haven't considered retirement, not that there was such a thing, as they are well settled with the duty that falls on their shoulders. Even they believe that not everyone can take over their place and rule the world they have worked so hard to bring peace into.

Some things are better left upon those who are under responsibility.


The streets of the capital city were occupied by vehicles as per usual. People walking on the pavement to their respective destinations seem to be minding their own business having no interest or time to spare on anything which is unimportant.

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