Cole smiled at the story, nodding his head. "Damn, Dad, you put in the work."

"She's worth every second of it," Reece said easily with a grin.

Cole nodded slowly. He felt the same way about Alli. She was the person he wanted to wake up next to every day. She was everything to him. But he didn't know if they were ready to take the next step. What if she didn't want to? What if she thought it wasn't the right time?

"I think I'm gonna propose to Alli," Cole admitted. It was the first time he had said it out loud. He hadn't told anyone else yet.

His Dad beamed at him. "I think that's a great idea."

"Yeah?" Cole asked, a smile starting on his face.

"Oh yeah, I knew from the second you met her that you'd marry her one day," Reece gushed, placing a hand on his son's shoulder. "You get a ring yet?"

"Yeah," Cole confirmed, reaching for his pocket. Pulling it out, he held it out to show his Dad.

Reece whistled, flashing him a grin. "Damn, you went all out."

"Took me hours in that damn shop," Cole chuckled out, rubbing his hands together. "Had to take a vacation day."

"Well, it was worth it," he assured him, handing the ring back to his son.

Cole nodded in agreement, taking the ring back and staring at the diamond thoughtfully. "I just... I can't tell if she thinks we're ready."

"Well, ask her."

"Like propose?"

"Well, eventually," Reece started slowly. "But you can also just bring up marriage to see what she thinks. You don't need to propose by going in blind. Actually, it's probably a better idea to feel out where she's at."

Cole hummed in thought. He hadn't considered that option. "Can't believe I'm doing this. God, this feels... crazy. Good crazy, but crazy."

"I can't wait to see you marry her," Reece told him softly. Cole's face broke out into a smile as his Dad clapped a hand on his shoulder.

"I can't wait either."

Cole closed his eyes at the memory.

If only he made his move a bit earlier, Reece would've seen at least one of his kids down the aisle.

His Dad knew he and Alli were right for each other.

And Cole messed it all up.

He went over every situation in his head, thinking about what he should've done differently. It was eating at him to feel like it was all just gone. He didn't even know what else he could do at this point. He didn't want to make Alli keep hearing him out if she didn't want to.

But he just wanted to get things back like how they used to be. What was killing him the most was that they were so close. He and Alli were so close to getting on the right path. And god, he wanted to raise this baby with her. He wanted to take this next step with her. This didn't feel like a weight crushing his chest. It felt like a chance for them to come back to each other. He knew they do this. He knew that child would have a good life because he'd have two parents who fought for everything they had.

Cole's phone buzzed. He fished it from his pocket, swiping it open to check the notification.

As soon as he saw it, he was bolting to the front of the hotel.

Alli could hear him out one more time.

Maybe he could catch a taxi.

He could make it in time.

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