Chapter 3: Wrong Place, Wrong Time

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The dust portal whooshed angrily blocking any outside calls as Rapunzel floated inside trying to catch her breath and feeling nauseous. In all her life, she'd never imagined that she would be floating inside a tornado. Despite moving rapidly in the air, she was more concerned for her friends and peered down to see that Pascal had just turned purple in her hands.

"Hold on, Pascal!" Rapunzel shouted, holding her best friend close to her chest and searching around for her other friend. "Olaf!"

"I'm here!" Olaf's voice shouted below her. Rapunzel peered down and saw that Olaf's head was floating below her while the rest of his body was floating above her. "Look out!"

Right when Olaf's body got a little too close to her head, she ducked as she held Pascal closer to her. Her eyes widened when she saw that the dust portal was beginning to grow larger. Then she felt like she had accidentally swallowed something. Suddenly, she was dropped down. She was screaming so loudly that she could almost drown out the whooshing dust portal. The ground slammed against her back, painfully.

Rapunzel lay on the ground and watched as the dust portal grew smaller and smaller till it disappeared. For a long minute, she tried to recall everything that had just happened. She never wanted to go back in that thing again but she knew that after she and Elsa found Lord Graham, they would most likely use it again. As Rapunzel rose, she saw that she had landed in a large garden. There were tomatoes, carrots, turnips, and cauliflower all over. She peered down at her hands to see that Pascal was still there and he was looking around the place. She was in a pile of cauliflowers and after a moment of clarity, she jerked around for any sign of Olaf.

"Olaf!" she shouted in her hoarse voice. The last thing that she wanted was to be separated from her friend. She couldn't imagine what she would do if she lost someone in her group. "Olaf, where are you?"

"I'm over here!" Olaf shouted. Rapunzel turned to see that Olaf's head was in a rose bush. He seemed unharmed and very happy. She loved that he always tried to stay positive despite the circumstances. "My body just lost my head. Or my head lost its body."

Just then, they heard pots breaking nearby and saw that Olaf's body was running into flower pots, breaking every single one of them. After she placed Pascal on her shoulder, Rapunzel rushed over to the flower pots and picked up Olaf's body where she saw that there were scattered pieces of the vases everywhere. As she rushed over to the rose bush, she saw that the vegetables were ruined and the flowers were out of place most likely because of the dust portal. When Rapunzel reached the rose bush, she gently helped Olaf onto his body.

"Are you alright, Olaf?" she asked, a gentle tone in her raspy voice. "That dust portal was dangerous, to be honest."

"I am wonderful!" Olaf beamed. "That was so much fun! Can we ride in there again?"

Rapunzel chuckled nervously, surprised that Olaf had liked the dust portal while she found it to be potentially dangerous and too fast. It was amazing that no one had gotten hurt even if she might've swallowed something when they were inside. Rapunzel opened her mouth to say something when a door slammed opened and a woman's scream was heard.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY GARDEN?!" the woman shrilled. Her scream was so high pitched that it could break a window. "WHY ARE YOU TRESPASSING ON MY PROPERTY?!"

"I'm so sorry! We didn't mean to ruin your garden! It wasn't our fault! We—"

"And I suppose that you attempted to steal something from my garden?" the woman shrieked. "How did you get in my garden?"

"No, not at all," Rapunzel said. "We had fallen from the sky!"

"Yeah, right!" the woman shrieked, obviously not believing her. As best as she could, Rapunzel attempted to explain to the woman about the dust portal but it did nothing. "NOW GET OUT!"

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