Chapter 4: An Uninvited Guest

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A ship was sailing towards a nearby city. The sailors were preparing to dock the ship with every strength that they had. It was a surprise that the ship was making it back to the country just in time. The sailors didn't want to face Baron Rupert, therefore they were relieved that they had made it on time.

The captain had just given two of the sailors an order when a door slammed open and the young princess of Arendelle raced on deck with Maximus at her side. Anna's dress was very similar to the dress she'd worn at Elsa's coronation last year except this gown was dark pink and the sleeves were long. Her braided bun was at the nape of her neck.

"Maximus, we're finally here!" Anna cheered, jumping up and down.

Anna felt the warm breeze and heard seagulls in the distance. She closed her eyes and smiled big as she exhaled the sea air and listened to the waves gently hitting the ship. She felt the ship moving up and down, making her more excited for adventure by the minute.

Anna opened her eyes and giggled. She saw that Eugene and Kristoff were having a conversation with each other with Sven nearby. She darted over towards the railing, knocking over some sailors that were getting the ship ready to dock. Her eyes widen as she squealed right when she reached the railing as the view of Belliville appeared in front of her.

"We're here!" Anna rejoiced as she wrapped her arms around Kristoff, nearly knocking him over. "We're finally here!"

"Come down, Anna," Kristoff chuckled. Anna laughed and wrapped her arms around Sven, nearly knocking him over as well. "I know you're excited, but you need to calm down."

"I'm sorry, I just can't help it," Anna squealed. She took a deep breath and peered back at the country. "It almost reminds me of Arendelle."

"I always loved this view!" Eugene smiled. He laid his hands on the railing and let out a sigh. Maximus noticed that his hands were on the railing and shook his head. "Yes, Max, I remember what happened on the cargo ferry," he groaned. He spun back to the view of the country with a large smile on his face. "Ah, this brings back memories!"

"Why am I not surprised?!" Rupert's voice asked sarcastically. The group turned and saw that Rupert had just arrived on deck. He was dressed in his red suit with his hair neatly combed. Anna noticed that he had an owl pin on his jacket. The owl was the same one that was imprinted on the banner. "What are you up to this time, Rider? Planning to steal another piece of my wife's jewelry, are you?"

"My lord, I am no longer a criminal," Eugene groaned. He gestured to his uniform. "As you can see from my uniform, I am captain of the guard back in Corona and I am technically royalty by both marriage and birth."

Anna smiled as the view of the bay came closer, her hands clenching on the railing. She couldn't wait to get in the county. Tons of questions came into her mind as she smelled the ocean air. What would Belliville be like? Would she meet new people? Would this foreign place be exciting?

"We're here!" Anna rejoiced, jumping up and down. The ship was coming towards the dock and Anna could see that Belliville had a huge village. with a large city behind it. "Wow!" she hollered. "I can't believe we're getting closer to the docks!"

"Belliville Bay," Eugene and Rupert both added at once.

"Belliville Bay," Anna murmured. "I'll definitely remember that. So, Eugene, how did you know?"

"Don't you remember?" Rupert said as he gave Eugene an annoyed look. "He is wanted here."

"I was a wanted thief," Eugene corrected.

Rupert's face turned red as he stomped over to Eugene. "Well in my book, you are still wanted in this country regardless of your status. If you weren't coming here to represent Corona for your wife, I would have you arrested in a heartbeat! You stole my wife's necklace and I believe that you should pay for the consequences."

MagicOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora