Learning To Accept Who They Truly Are

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Erik looks at Amnati in shock when he sees her stand in the path between Logan and the piece of cement wall that has metal beams within it that he was sending towards Logan "the mutant from the future" "I won't let you hurt him!"  she growls darkly as claws like Logan's flow out of her hands in the same area as Logan's do the only difference is that hers seem to be made of a blue fire the metal/bone the metal beams made themselves at home in her body instead of Logan's and Erik's eyes flash full of sorrow "I thought you wanted to protect mutants! how is harming one helping them!?!"  she asks "he got in my way!"  Erik replies "he's only trying to stop you from making one of the biggest mistakes of your life! after all how is proving the humans right showing them that we are the better "men"!?!"  she asks he lets out a short soft chuckle "Logan find Charles!"  Amnati says Logan looks at her with wide eyes "I'm fine and he needs someone to walk for him or at least carry him around like he's some kind of god!"  she tells him he chuckles then stands up and rushes in the direction he last saw Charles "don't forget to feed him grapes as you carry him!"  she calls out as he runs and he laughs "of all the foolish things Erik!"  Amnati says as she turns her attention to the man she in some ways still loves Erik smiles at her "this is nothing to smirk about! and you should be ashamed of yourself!"  she says his smile drops as she disappears it was then he realized that she was only half there and now her full body was feeling the effects of what she "MADE" him do! and so he doesn't feel the effects of his sorrow he turns his attention to finding out where Raven is.... when Logan reaches Charles he frees him from his metal prison which had fallen on top of him and he feels something or someone help him and smiles for he knows exactly who it is once Charles is free he whispers "you need to rest! you have been through enough!"  Charles looks at him oddly then smiles for he realizes that his new friend isn't talking to him then he asks "what happened to her!?!"  Logan shakes his head then helps Charles sit up which brings his attention to what was going on around him and he stops Raven from killing Thrask when Logan leaves Charles in the protection of Hank he whispers "give it to me!"  then he (Logan) feels the pain of the metal wires/pipes that was meant to be placed in his body by Erik and falls into the river nearby and before he loses consciousness he hears Amnati whisper sorrowfully "I'm sorry Uncle Jimmy!"  he smiles then whispers back "it's ok kid"  and the last thing he sees before he "finally" falls unconscious is her smile and what a sight it was to behold.... when Logan wakes up in the future he hears a familiar voice say familiar words in a familiar way "I like this date better!"  he chuckles for as he looked around he found himself in the Xavier Mansion kitchen sitting at the island with a smiling Amnati sitting at his side "he's in his study if you'd like to see him"  she tells him he nods then stands up and starts to walk away he stops when he hears her whisper "I remember too!"  he smiles then continues on his way for at least he won't be alone with these dark thoughts anymore and if he needed someone to talk to about them he has her "you were never alone Uncle Jimmy and you'll always have me and Charles.... though he doesn't remember like I do"  he hears her say his smile grows and he replies "I'll try to remember that"  she chuckles then he leaves the room "I still don't think she's worthy of you"  he hears her say and he bursts out laughing for as usual she was talking about Jean his laughter stops when he realizes that everyone was back and his merriment turned to shock as he walks towards Professor X's study "he's going to be so excited when he realizes you're back, he's going to want to hear all about it"  he hears Amnati say into his mind and he chuckles for that's true too and for some odd reason he's looking forward to learning just how different this future is from his "old" one....

 though he doesn't remember like I do"  he hears her say his smile grows and he replies "I'll try to remember that"  she chuckles then he leaves the room "I still don't think she's worthy of you"  he hears her say and he bursts out laughing for as...

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