Lose Yourself

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"It was you!!"  Charles says when the lightbulb above his head flickers on and he realizes something "I have no idea what you mean C!"  Amnati replies casually Hank looks at them oddly as Charles chuckles with a smile then says "yes you do.... how do you know Eric!?!"  Hank stares at them with a surprised expression on his face as Amnati replies "my adoptive parents were Jewish how do you think I met him!?"  Charles stares at her with a surprised expression on his face then he realizes what she was put through and frowns "well technically I met his parents first I didn't actually meet him till I was 15 we actually dated for a time but he decided he didn't want the darkness he knew was consuming him to consume me so...."  she says Charles raises a eyebrow at her she chuckles then says with a smile "unlike you I could have done so much worse!"  he chuckles a vision of her taking Erik's mothers place when Shaw killed her came into his mind and his eyes widen in surprise "I keep doing that without ever meaning to!"  she whispers Hank tilts his head curiously at her "we weren't ignoring you Henry it's just that Charles and I haven't seen each other since I was 9 he actually thought I was dead for the longest time and seeing that I was raised by Jewish people during World War Two that's a easy assumption to make but it's been far too long since we've last seen each other and we have a lot of catching up to do"  she tells him she looks at Charles and says "though it was quite rude of us to do it just after you introduced me to him so...."  Charles chuckles with a smile then says "you're right"  she turns to Hank and says "as for what I was referring to I have many abilities some I can control better than others though I'm guessing this particular one flows easier when my mind is more open to being read.... which isn't very often this particular ability shows snippets of a particular memory that I am thinking of at a specific time and a lot of the time I don't really wish to share it.... for example"  the memory of how her parents died shows within both Hank and Charles' mind and they both stare at her in shock she looks at Charles and says "sometimes monsters just need each other"  then she walks away and Charles follows her as the memory of why she killed her parents plays in both his and Hank's mind like she needed to explain the how's and why's of what had happened that day it took Hank awhile to realize that she had called him Henry once he did he smiled.... "you kept it clean!"  Amnati says with a soft surprised tone when she walks into the detached home she lived in with her adoptive parents and sees that there wasn't any indication that it hasn't been lived in for too many years "of course I did!"  Charles replies with a smile "gosh the gardens must look terrible without me and pop here to take care of them!"  she teases he chuckles she turns to face him and says "even though I'm staying I feel more comfortable living in here there are better memories in this place than yours"  he smiles sadly "not because of you Char!"  she says "I know!"  he replies softly she walks over to him, sits sideways on his lap and hugs him he chuckles then hugs her back "kneeling before "his majesty" seemed a little strange"  she says he laughs "and straddling him would have sent the "wrong message" so....!"  she adds Charles turns when he hears Hank chuckle he was so focused on her he didn't realize they had been followed and he sees Hank smiling at them "is my room as clean as the rest of the place!? please don't tell my it still looks like the way it was when we left!"  she asks Charles who chuckles then rolls her towards her childhood bedroom while she was still sitting on his lap and uses his abilities to open her door she slides off his lap and finds a more "grown up" version of her bedroom "did Raven stay here!?"  she asks "no, I still hoped you'd come home and couldn't imagine anyone else in your.... space"  Charles replies she smiles and says "she seems like the type who needs to be wherever you are anyway!"  he chuckles "28 years old and still living like she's 2!"  she whispers he smiles Hank on the other hand frowns she looks at Hank and says softly "there may be a time when she'll "grow up" but there's a difference between forcing acceptance and gaining it, you can't expect love if you don't love yourself for that comes first and from what I've "read" in Charles' memories and the memories of his home she seems quite selfish, yes Hank even buildings have memories"  Hank's frown deepens whether it was because of her words or because she called him Hank I guess we'll never know "now if you two don't mind I'm rather tired it's been a long flight from Germany to here.... speaking of Germany I'll have to take you someday Char so you can say goodbye properly"  she says Charles smiles then replies "I'd like that!"  she says as she walks towards her bed "though I have to say "Uncle" Jimmy gave you and Erik some "excellent" advice"  he chuckles then asks with a corner smile "and what advice was that!?!"  she replies as she climbs into bed "go fuck yourself"  Hank chuckles and Charles stares at her with a surprised expression on his face then asks softly with a matching tone "that was....!?!"  she nods then says "the soldier who helped me bury them in their family plot and seeing that I was a child with no money at the time he also paid for it"  he asks "how old is he!?!" ....remember James had paid for four funeral plots which I'm guessing costs quite a bit.... she replies "if I recall correctly he was born in 1832"  his surprise turns to shock and she falls asleep seeing this Charles and Hank leave the room closing the door behind them once out of the room Charles bursts out laughing then says softly with a smile once his laughter dies down "I wonder which one of us she was referring to!?.... probably both"  Hank looks at him oddly as he (Charles) lets out a short soft chuckle then rolls himself away from the door and Hank follows a few seconds later....

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