"We will be bringing in a new team. The new team will be undercover so as to not attract much attention. They'd pose as guests in the paddock, marshals and sports presenters. We'll also be bringing in two more agents per team and they'll be undercover as well. We suggest that paddock passes and tickets to the grand stands will be kept at a controlled amount so as to make room for the new agents," Morgan said before turning to Hawk. "Do we have any questions?" he asked.

Frederic raised his hand and Hawk gave him a small nod.

"This isn't regarding the overall security but more rather the security offered to my two drivers," he began and then turned to Morgan, "It doesn't take a fool to figure out that you're unfit for this task after your assignment in Hungary."

The room fell into silence and Carlos could see that Morgan was trying everything she could to keep her anger in check. "Mr.Vasseur I can assure you that whatever happened in Hungary is far behind us now-,"

"You couldn't even hold onto a tablet there, how am I to be convinced that whatever injuries you've newly acquired won't affect your work with us?"

Morgan gave him a tight lipped smile, "It's been almost three weeks since I've recovered, yes my left arm is taking a bit longer than expected but I still can perform any and every task I need to,"

"Except hold an iPad," Guenther chuckled from behind.

"I don't think I'd need an iPad when push comes to shove," she said with a venomous smile in Guenther's direction, "But if you're down we can test it," she said pulling out her gun and twisting it between her fingers. Guenther audibly gulped at her little performance and said nothing in response. Vasseur cleared his throat, "How confident are you in your agent's skills?" he asked turning to Jenna in the process.

Jenna shrugged, "Agent Morgan suffered significant injuries to her head, spine and arm after her assignment in Hungary-,"

"Elaborate. While you're the handler we as your customers need to be confident with her skills," Vasseur said.

"A minor fracture on the top part of her spine, shattered bones on her left arm, three broken ribs, internal hemorrhage and several minor wounds from the explosion debris to her face and arms," Jenna stated.

Morgan just leaned against the table and stared Vasseur down, "But as you can see I've been released back to the field. Worry about pulling off a smooth race unlike the ones you executed last year without focusing on what I can and cannot do," the jab was evident in her words and she shot him a small grin in the process.

Everyone held their breath as Vasseur shifted in his seat uncomfortably. Carlos was still hung up over her injuries and what she had to face in Hungary. He couldn't help but feel bad about the fact that it was his actions that led to all of this.

When the silence kept stretching on, Morgan stood up, "Alrighty people, meeting dismissed."

No one protested as they started filing out of the room. Lando shot him a worried glance as they walked past her. Carlos didn't know what got to him as he stopped at the door and turned to her.

"Morgan," his voice came out uneasily as he looked at her, "Can I speak to you please?"

Hawk and Jenna shot her a quick look and she gave them a small nod. They followed the rest of the drivers out, Hawk closing the door after him leaving both Carlos and Morgan in complete silence. She didn't look at him as he walked up to her, instead choosing to focus on the wall at the far end of the room.

"Are you okay?" Carlos asked, immediately feeling stupid for asking that question.

"Why? Does it look like I'm not?"

"I'm sorry for putting you in this position."

She turned to him then, "We don't have to talk about that Carlos."

"We should because I'm the reason why you're injured."

"No. You're the reason why I was sent to Hungary but you're not the reason why I decided to put myself in danger."

"What happened?"

She was silent for a while, her gaze stubbornly fixed on the wall as if the mere sight of him was beneath her. He waited as he stared at her. Carlos couldn't help but stare at the scar on her neck. What had happened in Hungary?

She sighed, scooting to the side of the table and patting the empty space beside her. He gave her a quick glance before moving to sit beside her. Up close he could smell her familiar perfume and willed himself to keeps his hands to himself. It may have been two months but he still couldn't deny the fact that he wanted her. He just wasn't sure in which way.

"I exploded the factory I was in. Seeing as the bomb couldn't be detonated from far, I was injured in the aftermath."

Carlos looked at her. She was still nursing her left arm and he couldn't stop himself when he reached out and gently grabbed her arm. His fingers running down from her wrist to palm in an attempt to soothe the pain. He watched her closely as she bit her lip slightly, rolling her head back in the process. "Are you some kind of voodoo masseuse?" she asked with a chuckle.

Carlos couldn't help but grin at her. He hadn't realised how much he'd missed her until he'd seen her here. And now he'd do anything to keep her close.

"I promise I won't fuck up again." he whispered into the silence.

She turned to him then, "These two months away has given us the opportunity to start fresh. My rules will still apply, I don't want to deny you anything so you're free to do whatever you want to. But don't royally fuck up like you did last time."

"Wouldn't dare to."

"How's Rebecca?" her question jarred him but he schooled his features to indifference. "I haven't spoken to her since you left." he admitted.

"Don't stop on my account. Just be more discreet."

Although her words had no malice in them, Carlos felt like he'd been slapped. She sounded so indifferent, like she was sick and tired of having to tell him what to do. He gave her a small nod and let go of her hand immediately feeling empty without it. She didn't say anything as he closed the door after him.

He didn't bump into Morgan for the rest of the night and Carlos wasn't sure if he was being avoided or if she had something else to focus on for the time being. He stayed in his rooms with Lando and they spent the night talking aimlessly about what this season had to offer for them. It was past noon when he woke up and Carlos hurriedly got ready and packed his bags before making his way out to the foyer. She was already there, her hair pulled up into a slick ponytail and she wore a simple white suit. She turned then and caught him staring. Carlos wasn't sure what he was expecting but hoped that there was no more hostility between them.

"Finally decided to wake up Sleeping Beauty. Come on we're going to be late," she said rolling her eyes at him in the process as she got into the car.

Carlos couldn't help but grin. Things were finally back to normal.

Not That Into You: a Carlos Sainz fanficOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz